Mafia lovers ep 5

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Y/n p.o.v
It's been 4 years since that incident I'm married now to jungkook...we got married 2 years ago and have a beautiful daughter who is 2 year old, who we both love from the bottom of our hearts..we are no more mafias as we don't want our children to have a past like we did
Me: YAHH! Nora! Come back here!
Nora: appa! Help me! Enomma is scary! *she said as she ran into jk's arms*
Jk: what happened princess?
Me: honey pls tell her to eat her food...*i say as I walk slowly towards them*
Jk: princess u shouldn't make mom run
Me: well I wasn't
Jk just nodded sarcastically as I roll my eyes, then suddenly jk got a call he took it and his mood immediately changed and his eyes darkened
Me: what's wrong babe?
Jk: babe.....ur d-dad is...d-dead *he said as his voice cracked*
I couldn't believe what I was hearing....when the full impact hit me, my dad was I don't have any of my parents...that's when everything went black and the last thing I heard was
Jk: Y/N
Nora: MOMMY!
Jk p.o.v
After I told y/n what happened she just shut down and was staring into space
Me: y/n? Y/n?
She suddenly fainted luckily I was quick enough to catch her before she could hit the corner of the table
Me: Y/N!
Nora: MOMMY!...daddy what happened?
Me: it's okay princess mommy is just stressed
I quickly took y/n to the hospital with Nora beside me..the doctor said that she fainted cuz of and Nora were with her the whole time..after a few hours Nora fell asleep and my eyes were getting heavy so I decided to sleep....but I woke up as soon as I felt something moving under my hand
Y/n p.o.v
I woke up in an hospital? I was confused then I remembered what happened and immediately my eyes started to water, I saw jungkook and Nora sleeping, my hand was under jk's so I was trying to remove it but ig I woke him up
Jk: *while whispering* babe are u okay now? Do u want me to call the doctor?
Me: *slightly smiles* I'm fine baby
Jk: do u need anything *i just shook my head*
We were just talking when Nora woke up
Nora: mommy!!! *she jumped on the bed and hugged me tight*
Me: uff..*chuckles* I'm fine sweets
Nora: what happened mom? Don't u know...u shouldn't sleep so much..
Me: *i just smile at her cute reaction* yeah yeah
Jk: u will get discharged in a day
Me: okay honey
We were all talking, laughing and playing I finally got over dad and now know he is in a better place
Time skip *at home*
When we arrived it was night time so I took Nora to bed and this is what she said
Nora: mommy, Daddy can I have a sibling I'm getting bored alone *she said pouting*
Jk: I think u should ask ur mom
Me: *flustered* w-well.....go to sleep first u naughty girl *Nora just laughs and lies down after closing the lights and door I went back to our room only to see jk sitting on the bed..thinking..?
Me: what's on ur mind kookie?
Jk: don't u think we should fulfil our daughter's wish? *he said with a smirk*
Me: *yawns* nope not today I'm tired I wanna sleep *i say as I lay down facing the ceiling*
Jk: do u think I'm gonna let u sleep? *he says then hovers above me*
Me: but I wanna sleeeeeppppp *i whine*
Jk: nope not gonna let u
A/n: well u guys know what's gonna happen so....
Time skip *a few months later* author p.o.v
Now u are 3 months pregnant and right now u are on the table sitting and eating lunch when jk said
Jk: hmm Nora? How many sibling do u want
U were blushing
Nora: hmm 10!
U chocked on ur food and jungkook chuckled
Jk: I don't think ur mom can handle that much *he said looking at me I just glared*
Nora: then 5!
Y/n: ooookay Nora why don't u go to ur room?
After Nora went U glared at jk but before U could say anything he said
Jk: we would listen to our princess, looks like she wants 4 more *he said smirking*
Y/n:oh hell nah! Don't u dare even think abt it! I'm not doin it!
Jk: lets see *thats all he says smirking of course*
Y/n: stop smirking! I'm not gonna do it *u say then walk back to our room*
Jk: awww is my baby angry, I'm sorry Babe! But u have to *he mumbles the last part*
He runs to ur room and tries to make up
Jk: I'm sorry babyyy *he showers u with kisses while you giggle*
The end
Sorry if this series I'd short but I hope u enjoyed it

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