The Walk Home

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Chapter 1

Until the morning comes, I'll be gone to my aunties house. Packing my bags for a new experience that I'll never forget. I grabbed mostly things that were important to me. Pictures of my friends from the previous school year. Oregon is fun don't get me wrong! I need an involvement, a new feeling so I can finish a book I've been meaning to write. That's why I'm heading to Forks, the place where clouds nestle you tightly wherever you run to. I shoved every belonging I could fit in my suitcase. The alarm beeped a flashing red "3:05 AM" I was indeed ready for my 10 hour bus ride to Washington.

The rain clung to the windows of the bus, every puddle clashing as the tires hit them. A familiar chirp sound came from my phone. I lifted up the screen to see the bright words from my step dad. "Hey kiddo, I hope you enjoy forks as much as I did as a kid. The place has a unique culture." The text read. I smiled to myself and fixed the collar of my coat. I'm nervous to see my aunt after the disappearance of Anthony, I'm sure the widowed life has been hard on her. I can't imagine the love of your life never returning from work, but even worse is getting the phone call. I slumped my body against my backpack as my eyes decided to drift off.

I dreamt about my group of friends, but it seems they were something of the past now in my mind. They weren't the best group of kids or influences. They all had their problems and I had my own. But we all had different ways of dealing with them. They called me Winry the Chimney because I was so hot headed that they'd see smoke come out of my ears. My best mate was named George, he had the kindest eyes but the personality of a fire cracker. I didn't know I'd never see him again. If I would have known that, I would hug him one last time.

The tires screeched and halted to a stop. Noise wasn't enough to wake me up. The big old bus driver hopped out of his seat to shake me awake, my cheeks flushed red of embarrassment and I got out of there. In front of me stood a wooden post that read "Forks, Washington" I panned my sight over to the driver "is this the last stop?" He nodded "looks like you're gonna have to walk a bit far." I smiled and excepted the reality with a cool exterior. I began walking past the post. I am guessing the rain has been nonstop all weekend, my pant cuffs were soaked. I dialed up my aunties phone. It gave about three rings before she picked up. "Hello?" Her gentle voice flooded my speakers. "Aunt Faith, I made it!" I exclaimed "oh, do you know how soon you'll be here? Your room isn't fully prepared!" Her voice was enthusiastic. I can't imagine how lonely she's been. "I am not too far out! I'm walking by a police station right now." I told my aunt my whereabouts just in case. "Alright goose! I'll see you soon" she hung up.

My boots smacked against each step leading to Faith's door. I knocked waiting for a response. Faith opened with a warm smile and a hug. Faith was very pretty, she was the youngest of my moms sisters and barely had a wrinkle. Her voice would carry out like velvet. "I'm so glad to see you."

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