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Yena and Hyewon grabbed their umbrellas and went to search for Yuri. The rain started pouring more heavily that they didn't even know if their umbrellas can survive. Their shirts were getting wet but they didn't mind.

Both of them headed outside the camping area. Their surroundings were all muddy. There was a loud thunder and lightning. They both knew how much Yuri hates both of that so they got more eager to find her.

"Let's split up." Hyewon said. Yena looked at her with confusion and said,

"What? You wanna get lost in the middle of the forest?" 

"Fool, why would I want to. Splitting up would make it more easier to find Yuri. Go there, and I'll go here." Hyewon said, pointing at two different directions. Yena was hesitant at first but, at the thought of Yuri, getting lost in the middle of the forest made her want to do so. They both headed onto their way, Hyewon going on her direction first, followed by Yena who went on her direction.

Hyewon scanned her surrounding, it was really wet and muddy. She continued walking and searching but found nothing. She slipped on the ground making her fall on her butt. She hissed in pain but soon stood up to continue her search.

On the other hand, Yena kept brushing off the leaves and branches that keeps on touching her face. Some even went inside her mouth that she had to spit it out because it was bitter. 

She was walking to search for Yuri but later found out that she was just taking circles on the same area. 

"I'm such a fool." Yena thought to herself. 

Just then, she felt a heavy drop of water on top of her head. She groaned and looked up, only to find out that her umbrella has a hole. She threw her umbrella to the ground and continued walking, but on a different way this time. She forgot that she might get lost if she went on another way.

At the middle of walking, she saw a cloth lying on the ground. She picked it up and gasped, "This is Yuri's."

She kept the handkerchief inside her pocket and continued walking, hearing a series of thunder and lightning. 

"Yuri!" Yena yelled. When she got no response, she called again and again, until she can feel that her voice was cracking. She didn't mind though.

Yena jumped out in surprise when she heard someone's cry. "Yuri?" She walked to see what was behind the big tree and found Yuri there, sitting as she hugged her knees tight. "YURI!"

Yuri looked up at her, she was crying. Both of them were wet because of the rain. Yena pulled Yuri up and hugged her tight, so tight that Yuri can barely breathe. 

"Why would you run off like that? I was so worried!" Yena said, gripping on Yuri's hands tight.

"If you didn't just had a deal with me then none of these will happen! Who do you think is at fault?" Yuri yelled back.

"I'm sorry." Yena said, pulling Yuri again for a hug that both of them loved. Yuri then pushed Yena.

"Hyewon unnie found out." Yuri said.

"I know. We talked." Yena said. "Let's go back, you're gonna get sick."

"Yena-yah. Once we get back I want to end this already." Yuri said, holding Yena's hands while they walked out of the forest.

"What do you mean?" Yena asked nervously. Was Yuri not feeling the same way she feels?

"Where are we?"

"At the forest?" 

"Do you know the way back?" Yuri asked, feeling a little bit uneasy.

"Uhm... Of course" Yena said, looking around, and once she turned around, she found a lot of turns. "Of course not."

"Fool!" Yuri yelled. "Why would you even walk in a forest if you're just gonna get lost like this?!"

"If you didn't want me to go in the forest and get lost, then don't run off of the area!" Yena yelled back, defending herself from the younger.

"It's your fault!"

"It's not! We can find a way outside." Yena said, She went straight ahead to the way she found so familiar, but turned back because she felt that Yuri was not following her. "Cmon!"

"You go that way, I go this way." Yuri said, heading to another direction but later on plopping down the ground because of a loud thunder.

Yena ran and pulled her up.

"Why can't you just let me be?!" Yuri said. 

Yena, who had enough of the hamster talking nonstop, grabbed her by the waist and pulled their bodies together. "You're not gonna shut up?"

"No, let go of m-" Yuri was cut off when she felt a soft pair of lips attached to hers. 

Yena pecked her lips and pulled out right after. "Still not gonna shut up?"

Yuri stared at Yena's eyes which she oftenly find so pretty. 

"And Yuri-yah, we're not gonna break up after this." Yena said. "Instead, let's make it real."


"I like you Yuri-yah."

Yuri had her eyes wide when Yena said that. "Did you just-"

"Yes, I did." Yena said. "Y-you feel the same way right?"

Yuri stared at Yena again, who cannot like this girl right? Who is she to not agree that she felt the same way. Instead of answering, Yuri nodded.

Yena smiled at her and leaned in for another kiss.

Did not proofread.
Guess this is the last chapter. Idk. Pfft I'll make an epilogue.

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