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I look at myself in the mirror and I’m satisfied. I have to look my best. After all it’s a wedding. And not just a wedding but also somebody’s birthday.

But for now, guess who's getting married?

The one getting married looks the best of all. My best friend. My Nini.

She's wearing a white dress. And she looks gorgeous. An angel.

"You look beautiful", I say.

There is Nini, her mom, my mom, few of Nini's relatives and me in the room.

"Really?", she asks.

"Yes", I say.

Her mom is getting a little emotional. We all are. But she's crying.

It’s time for the ceremony and she walks to the place where her to-be-husband waits for her.

We are on a beach. She's getting married on a beach. And its a beach in Greece. Destination wedding. Aah.

And guess who my party freak, badass, adventure-going, animal-loving friend is getting married to?

He is standing there. Waiting for her. They stand facing each other and it's a beautiful moment.

The priest asks,

"Do you, Rick Stone agree to marry Kim Jennie?"

There is someone who silently takes my hand. I didn't even notice until now but he's standing beside me. Jackson.

"Yes", Rick answers.

"Do you, Kim Jennie agree to marry Rick Stone?", he asks Nini.

And of course, she replies, "Yes".

Jackson who is standing beside me looks like he is ready to cry. Aww, my sensitive boyfriend. I try to control my laugh and he catches me.

"What? Don't tell me you don't find weddings emotional.", he asks.

"Yes, but I hope you don't cry at your wedding.", I say.

"Our wedding", he says and I blush.

I leave his hand to clap as there is applause everywhere and everyone is happy.

Its very noisy. Everyone is hugging each other. Laughing. Congratulating.

The bride and the groom have their dance. There's food and music everywhere. Everyone is so happy. They're enjoying. I'm so happy for my friend that she finally found someone who loves her more than anyone.

Not just me but everyone was shocked when we heard that Nini and Rick had gotten engaged. Nobody had expected this.

It turned out that Rick had fallen for Nini the moment he saw her for the first time. And what happened after that only they both know.

Nini had wanted me to attend her wedding but the ticket was too expensive. So Nini being Nini had booked not just my ticket but also my whole family's tickets. We agreed because it's her wedding after all.

There's my father, mother, Mel chattering like usual, Lisa serious all the time then the younger ones Sam, Kat and Maddy.

Rick's parents and Stella are here. And Stella as always looks beautiful. They all had come from the UK.

Jackson's dad is Chinese and his mom is American. His parents, his brother, his brother's wife, his cute niece Aimee and of course Jackson himself are present.

Jackson had taken all the responsibilities for himself. He wanted to make sure everything went right. He loves Rick as a brother.

He wanted me to meet his friends and the list is never ending. If he has these many friends here itself, then how many more would there be back in China? I pray to God for patience.

Jackson is so happy that his energy is infectious. I see him and wonder this is how he must have been before. The old Jackson. And I pray he stays smiling this way forever.

Rick had requested Jackson to sing for the wedding but Jackson didn't want to as he wanted to enjoy his best friend's wedding. And also its Jackson's birthday today. But Rick insisted so he agreed.

Jackson takes his seat at the piano and everyone goes silent except the kids. They are always noisy.

He plays and sings at the same time. And the song is perfect for the occasion.

Then we have the couple's dance. And I'm blushing because everyone's watching.

"Are you shy?", he asks me while we're dancing.

"Yeah", I say.

"Don't be.", he says.

I swear I can hear him laughing.

"Are you laughing at me?", I ask. Because that's one thing I hate a lot. When someone laughs at me.

"Me? Never.", he says innocently.

I'm sure he's laughing again. I'm thinking of stepping on his feet with my heels. Then let me see if he still laughs.

"I have to talk to you.", he says as we continue dancing.

"Go on", I say.

"Not here and not now", he says looking everywhere as the beach is full.

"Okay. Then when?", I ask. Now my heart's beating fast.

"In the evening. At 6?", he asks.

"Okay." I answer waiting for the evening already.

After everything, we all return back to the hotel.

I had slept for some time and after waking, I find daisies waiting for me. There's a card too.

Daisies are my favourite flowers and he remembered. The gesture is touching.

“Waiting for you at the beach. Don't be late.”

The card says. I look at the clock and its 5.50 pm. I hurry and get ready and run towards the beach. I always have a watch on me. Its not 6 yet.

He stands there facing the ocean and I want to capture this moment. I don't call out his name because I don't want to disturb this moment.

But he turns around as if sensing my presence.

He looks as happy to see me as he was the day I missed my flight.

"You came?", he asks as if he still can't believe.

Its been a year since the vacation. And after going back home we still kept in touch. It was hard but we tried. A few times I went to see him or he used to come see me. We managed.

Sometimes it was too hard. At times I wanted to see him so badly that I wanted to run leaving everything behind.

"Of course.", I reply.

He smiles and with it all my worries fly away to the sky. His smile makes me warm. Like he's hugging me without even touching.

"What did you want to tell me?", I ask because I can't wait. I'm always impatient.

"Not now. Wait.", he says.

I sit down as I can't wait anymore.

"What are you doing?", he asks.

"Sitting", I say.

"Why do you always have to be so sarcastic?", he asks me.

"I'm not being sarcastic. I'm being honest.", I say.

He shakes his head like he doesn't believe me. I get up. And ask him, "What? You don't believe me? Okay, fine. I'm going.", I say as I turn around.

And he stops me by taking my hand. Its fun watching him get scared.

But his expression stops me.

"Never ever leave me again.", he says and I feel bad for joking like this.

"Sorry", I say. "And nobody's leaving you ever again. I swear."

"Okay.", he says looking relieved.

"Why is the water here green?", he asks me.

It's usually me who talks about weird things. He's supposed to be the normal one. I get a feeling that he's nervous.

"Science", I reply.

"And the weather isn't it too chilly here?", he asks and I know something is definitely wrong.

"Will you tell me what it was that you wanted to tell me? Please I'm starting to get scared.", I ask.

"Will you marry me?", he says quickly bending on one knee and taking out a ring I didn't even see him holding.

He shuts his eyes as if he's too scared to see my reaction. My heart melts. And l'm too shocked but I know my answer. I don't even have to think for a nanosecond.

But still just to tease him I remain silent because his eyes are still closed. I slowly hide behind him.

He opens his eyes very slowly and gets up when he doesn't see me there. He turns around and I scare him by shouting BOO.

He is scared so much that he falls and I can't stop laughing.

He is still lying in the sand when I kiss his cheek and say "Yes."

I take the ring from his hand and quickly run away and he starts chasing me but I don't stop.

For now, I think I can make him run for me a little as anyway he has caught me. We have a lifetime to be together. Forever.

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