Chapter 13

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Virgil looked up. Someone, he didn't know who, had cried out in frustration.

"Hello?" He asked, standing up and closing his sketchbook. "Are you alright?"

Daniel came hurtling through the trees, his eyes flashing. "Bitch!" He yelled towards where he had come from, wiping blood from the side of his head.

"Wait, is that yours?" Virgil asked, pointing to the blood and hoping that it wasn't.

"Yes actually." Daniel hissed, his voice hostile and strangely triumphant. His eyes narrowed. "Why are you here?"

Virgil shrugged. "Free country. And I was just drawing."

Daniel let out a laugh. "Drawing, yeah."

"What about that statement has given you reason to not believe me."

Daniel wiped his forehead, his whole hand coming away covered in red. He looked from his hand to Virgil and then back again. "Shit." He passed out.

"Help!" Virgil had been yelling for the past ten minutes, one of the sleeves on his coat to stop the bleeding. "For God's sakes! Help!"

Did he like Daniel? No. Not one bit. But he wasn't going to just allow someone to bleed out when they could be saved.

"Good God, what on Earth happened?" Someone asked, dropping down next to Daniel and a panicked Virgil.

"I don't know. He just came through the bushes and he was bleeding and then he just passed out." Virgil said, his words getting quicker and his breath getting more laboured with each word.

"Look, I'm going to need you to calm down. Try and follow my breathing. In for four, hold for seven, out for eight."

Virgil tried to slow his breathing down to a normal pace as the other man checked Daniel for a pulse and any other wounds.

"I need you to get to the castle as fast as you can. If they ask what happened, tell them that it's an emergency and that Logan sent you. Got it?"

"Yep. Got it." Virgil said, standing up and speeding off, kicking up dirt.

Virgil arrived at the castle panting and pink in the face. He saw Roman and Rose talking near the castle, leaning against the wall. Mustering the last of his speed and strength, he ran over to them.

"Help.... Daniel.... hurt... emergency..." Virgil bent over, trying to catch his breath.

"Hey, Virgil, calm down. What about Daniel?" Rose asked, worry clouding her eyes. "Has he done something?"

"Yeah! Nearly died!"

"What?!" Roman asked, jolting away from the wall as if he'd been shocked.

"He came running through these bushes and he was bleeding and then he fainted and then this other guy came while I was calling for help and he told me to run up here and get help and to say that Logan had sent me." Virgil took a breath, having said that all in one go.

"Oh shit." Roman hissed. "I'll go and get Logan and Daniel, Rose could you take inside the castle?" Roman looked the still panicking Virgil up and down. "He needs to calm down a little."

Rose nodded and Roman ran off. "Virgil, try and follow my breathing, okay? I'll count. In for four. One, two, three, four. Hold for seven. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Out for eight. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight."

Virgil kept repeating the breathing technique until he had calmed down. "Are you okay now, Virgil?" Rose asked, still worried about him.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." Virgil said, putting his hand on his head and pressing the bottom of his palm into his temple. "Just need to get my breath. We don't need another unconscious body."

"I think what you need is to go to the library. It's quiet there." Rose said, taking Virgil's shoulder and guiding him into the castle.


"What happened?" Roman asked, quickly helping Logan carry Daniel into his room.

"For those sort of answers, you'll have to go to the boy who I sent up here." Logan said, dropping Daniel's legs and dusting his hands off.

"You mean Virgil?"

"Oh, was that his name?" Logan asked, pushing his glasses up his nose. "I only came running when I heard someone yelling for help."

"Can you fix Daniel?"

"I can certainly try. I don't know when he'll wake up but I can dress the wound. Oh, hold that thought." He said as Daniel started to open his eyes. He sat up, clutching his head.

"The fuck?"

"I suggest you lie back down. You might have suffered concussion from the fall and you were already bleeding."

"I don't have to do shit you suggest, nerd." Daniel hissed, his hostile attitude quiet but not gone.

"Logan here just saved your life." Roman said, a spark of anger in his tone. "And I think that if you wanted to pretend to be a decent human being, you would thank him."

Daniel looked at Roman, surprise and hate mingled in his black stare. "You're meant to be dead."

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