Chapter 14

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So... I only just realised that there are two Logans in this book..... Well, they're both smart but different ages because screw continuity!
WARNING: Daniel being a homophobic little shit

Logan paced back and forth as Daniel held a wet cloth to his head. A wet cloth that was slowly turning red.

"Can I stop doing this now?" Daniel asked, obviously annoyed. "It stings."

"Well tough." Roman said from a corner, not looking up from his notebook.

"Daniel, run me through exactly what happened again."

Daniel sighed. "Well, I was running to get something and there were these two girls. They were doing some gay shit and I yelled at them because it was, well, disgusting. One of them hit me on the head with a piece of wood or something. Then, I started bleeding and ran off. I met Virgil from the other kingdom and then I passed out."

"Wait, wait, wait." Roman said, closing his notebook with a snap. "You were being a homophobe... and you're blaming it on the people who can't help how they feel?"

"They're going against God!" Daniel protested. Roman let out a humourless laugh.

"The only one I see going against God, Daniel, is you. Now, you can stay here until you're better but then I want you out of the palace. For good."

Daniel laughed. "For what? Getting attacked? Because that was the-"

"I will give punishment where punishment is due for the person who hit you. But you're being fired because well, one, homophobia is against the law and two, you tried to poison me."

"What proof do you have?"

Roman pretended to think. "Maybe the fact Janus saw you doing something shady, you were lying to my face and when you came back to consciousness just now, you said that I should be dead. That's enough to throw you in jail until you rot, Daniel." Roman spat the last word out as if it hurt him. There was a timid knock on the door and a girl poked her head into the room.

"Your Highness?" She asked.

"What is it, Eveline?" Daniel started pointing wildly at her.

"That's her! That's the bitch who did this to me!"

Roman glared at Daniel, silencing him, before turning back to Eveline. "You don't need to be shy. What is it?"

Eveline handed over a glass vial, broken in two. "I saw it near the kitchen and I brought it to Janus because it had this weird residue. He said it was deadly nightshade."

Roman nodded. "Thank you Eveline. You can go now." Eveline turned to go. "Oh, before you go. You did hit Daniel with a piece of wood, apparently, so.... could you rearrange all the books in my library? In alphabetical order."

Eveline nodded. "Very well, you Highness." She smiled at Logan, glared at Daniel and left.

Roman turned to the two others in the room, grinning. "You're going to jail, Daniel. Hell, this is even enough to get you executed." Roman's grin grew wider as the defeat in Daniel's eyes grew more pronounced.


"Um, your Highness?"

Roman turned around and found himself face-to-face with a gardener who had his long hair tied back in a messy ponytail.


"I don't mean to be rude or forward or anything but," the gardener took a breath, "your Highness, I was asked to watch your back. Your brother asked me to do so and when I asked him why he couldn't, he said that you two weren't on the best speaking terms. I think that, and please don't think I'm being to forward in giving someone in power my opinion, you should try and talk to him. He's a good kid, your Highness, and he's missing his brother. I can see it in his eyes."

Roman nodded and the gardener looked down, embarrassed. "That's all your Highness. I'll be getting back to my work now."

Remus was sitting in a tree, swinging precariously on a branch and laughing his head off, when a snap from below him made him look down. It was his brother.

Roman was trying to climb up to where Remus was sitting and failing horribly. Remus laughed slightly.

"I think this is the only thing I've beaten you at, Ro."

"Don't get too cocky." Roman said through gritted, finally sitting on the same branch as Remus. "That's my job."

Remus nodded, laughing. The tension between the two brothers was like a brick wall that could easily be knocked down if one of the simply tried.

Roman took a breath. "Remus, I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry for being such a pompous prat. You're my brother and I love you despite your many, many flaws."

Remus laughed slightly and put an arm around Roman. "I'm sorry, Roman."

"So.. we're even?"

"Yeah, we're even."

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