Chapter 10

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Dedicated to: SweetSimplicity-101 for adding my story to your reading list


"Ummm... I'll go back to the food section ... Uh... Want to drink anything?" Zach asked awkwardly when he recomposed himself.

I was about to answer no thanks when Aiden interrupted.

"No need I think I am pretty well capable of that."

I shot him a glare hoping he would get the message.

Maybe he did maybe he didn't but chose to pretend he didn't see what I did because next thing I heard from his mouth was another harsh remark.

"Now if you'll excuse us, we are about to dance and you might look stupid just standing there."

Zach look like he would beat Aiden into a pulp, well try to anyway because just so you know, Aiden looks tougher. But he didn't. Zach probably didn't want to cause a scene. Especially in a professional part- I mean Ball where his company could have been brought to shame. But I'm pretty sure if this was just some random bar, they would be both fighting their guts out by now.

Zach just nodded his head and excused himself.

Then Aiden turned to face me.

"May I have this dance?"

"Like I have a choice." I rolled my eyes.

He pressed his lips in a thin line and said

"Well then, I guess you don't " and then he took my hands, placed one upon his shoulder and held one in his large palm. He placed one of his hand at the small of my back and made the first step in the dance "Waltz"

He held me oh-so-delicately as if I'm made of porcelain glass that might shatter and break anytime if not done so.

I know its wrong but I can't help but feel special within his touch. At first I thought maybe its because of the evil, envious glares and stares I had been getting from majority of the female population in the ball. Some looked ready to kill me, some looked at Aiden dreamily but seriously. They all have dates and they are busying themselves by drooling over mine? Well not that I'm possessive or what but Its just irritating. But then as we continued to dance after dance, our surroundings started to disappear and there was nothing else but Aiden and I. Just us. I was enjoying this Aiden. The sweet, quiet type who looked at me like I was the only girl out there. BUT!! There is always a but. i spoke too soon.

"What were you thinking? Talking with one of my rivals?!? For all you know he could be gaining your trust to get information from you! I thought you were smart Athena? Turns out you proved me wrong." And with that, he pushed me away gently and went to talk with other ass-rich-holes.

The ball turned out to be a blur right after our dance. I was introduced plenty times by Aiden to other people and all I did was smile and nod.

But my mind was someplace else.. I thought you were smart Athena? Turns out you proved me wrong.

I have absolutely no idea why I was feeling this way. When he kissed me, It felt divine. He wasn't my first kiss either. When he took me from Zach, I tried to shoot him glares and pretend to look irritated but inside I was actually flattered, he was suddenly like possessive of me. I mean I get that he had to play the role, saying I was his girlfriend but when we danced, the way he looked at me, the way he held me didn't feel like pretend at all. And when we moved to the beat of the song, everything else disappeared. I have no idea why I was feeling this way, he was my arrogant, stupid, asshole-boss!!! I can't be feeling attracted to him!

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