Chapter 1

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Marinette groaned. She was in the middle of a battle with herself. Her feelings to be precise. Chat Noir's flirting had become a lot more devilish recently, he had been sneaking kisses on her cheeks in the middle of akuma battles and patrols knowing full well it made Marinette blush as dark as her alter ego's suit. Perhaps darker?

Currently she was in the middle of class losing her mind. Her classwork was long forgotten. Mrs Bustier stood at the whiteboard going over the task being set out for the students to complete when a groan was heard yet again from Marinette. The teacher turned to face the groaning bluenette frowning directly at the young girl. Mrs Bustier opened her mouth and Marinette gulped knowing she was going to be shouted at. "Marinette if you are struggling to pay attention I suggest you go outside and don't come back in until you are ready to learn!" Mrs Bustier firmly stated to the bluenette. Marinette nodded in response "Sorry Mrs Bustier" She apologised embarrassed to be called out on in front of her peers. 

The lesson continued undisturbed by anything. Marinette and Alya were walking to their next lesson when the young bluenette girl suddenly remembered something! Today was Chat Noir and Ladybug's anniversary, the four years anniversary when they first received their miraculous and fought Stoneheart. 

She mentally cursed to herself. Every year on their anniversary they had given each other presents whilst on patrol. And this year it had completely slipped Marinette's mind. She had been so busy with homework and design commissions that she had completely forgot! The bluenette would have to quickly think of something fast..

The school day passed extremely quickly, Marinette had spent the whole day scheming ideas on what to give Chat when she finally came to a conclusion. If her new found feelings for the black cat hero were true? Then why not prove it too herself?

She couldn't wait until later.

About six hours later, Marinette had said to her parents that she was headed off to bed. She looked at the clock '7 o'clock 'it read

Brilliant! Time for patrol! 

"Ready Tikki?" She looked at her kwami.

Tikki nodded "Ready as ever!" She chirped, smiling.

Marinette nodded "Tikki spots on!" She called on her transformation. A pink light engulfed around her petite body. A few seconds later, the light died down leaving Ladybug standing in Marinette's place. 

She quietly lifted the trapdoor above her bed open and crept out. The heroine took her yoyo in her hands and swung it. She flew through the streets off Paris off to meet Chat for patrol.


Chat sat with his legs dangling off the rooftop edge. He hummed to himself looking into the night sky. A figure swung across the horizon and his emerald eyes lit up when he realized who it was. "Hey bugaboo" He walked over as Ladybug landed in front of him. The blonde bent down to kiss her hand making his partner blush. 

He stood back up laughing "You look like a tomato M'Lady" A very hard punch on the arm shut him up.

A little while later, both heroes were sat on the edge of the Eiffel Tower. Having already patrolled they were sat enjoying the rare peaceful evening they had together. "Happy Anniversary Kitty" Ladybug spoke breaking the silence.

"Happy anniversary bugaboo. Can you believe its been this long already?" He responded smiling.

 "I can't.... It seems like yesterday we just received our Miraculous and now look where we are? We have more allies than I can count. And we have been through so much together" The spotted heroine responded. She took a deep breath and turned to look at Chat "I uh- actually have something for you..."

Chat turned to face her "You did?  You didn't have to bugaboo.. I completely forgot so I don't have anything to gi-" He was cut off by a kiss. 

Ladybug took this chance and gently pressed her lips onto his. If this were an anime and not real life sparks would be flashing. His eyes widened in shock but he soon melted into the kiss. She leaned into him as he wrapped his arms around her. 

This felt right, this felt like home. 

And then as if the world was against them, Ladybug's earrings beeped. She pulled away from the kiss. Emerald green eyes met ocean blue ones. They both blushed and looked away from each other shyly. 

"Wow..." Chat Noir breathed, blush dusting his cheeks barely visible under his mask. 

Ladybug met his eyes again "I know". She smiled softly and was met with a soft smile in return.

Ruining yet another moment, the earrings beeped again. "I-um have to go before I de-transform" Ladybug said. She waved and readied her yoyo to swing back home.

Just as she was about to swing away, a small tug pulled her back. She turned back to face Chat Noir. "Kitty?" She asked, a puzzling look growing on her face. 

He didn't meet her eyes.


"M'lady, do you think we could... maybe reveal our identities? Now that our feelings are mutual... It's just I've waited SO long for you to feel the same way and I-" Chat was cut off by Ladybug placing a finger on his lips. He looked at her puzzled.

Ladybug smiled softly "Soon Kitty I'm just not ready yet. It's a big thing for us to do and I'm just not ready yet, I hope you understand". Chat met her eyes and smiled softly. He nodded "Of course M'lady as long as it takes... I'll wait for you"

"How'd I get so lucky to have you as a partner?" Ladybug questioned smiling brightly. "I really need to get going now chaton" She pulled away. 

"Quickly before you go" He grasped her waist and gently pressed his lips against hers.

Ladybug smiled to herself and pulled away. She readied her yoyo and swung away, waving as she went. 

Chat watched as she swung away. He pressed a finger to his lips, blushing to himself. 

'I will love that girl forever, no matter what...' He thought to himself before making his own way home.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2022 ⏰

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