Chapter 5: Masky and Hoodie

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        Changing to first person to give it a try, please comment on wether you like this or third person c: Thank you. OH and mild sexual content? maybe some sexual content but mostly mild and stuff.

        I couldn't help but rub the back of my head, it throbbed but it looked perfectly fine. You decided on visiting Slenderman's office for information.

        I got up from the chair only to be pulled down.

        "Yes...Ben?" I couldn't breathe, he was on top of me as I was face down on the floor struggling against his 12 year old body. "For a fucking 5 year old you weigh as much as a fucking cow."

        "Hurtful much?" I could hear the sarcasm in his voice. "Slender requested your presence!" He sudden changed his voice as if he was some kind of announcer in the castles that requested your presence.

        "Hey lard ass. I can't get there if your still on me!" I couldn't help but struggle, I couldn't do anything else. Ricky and Mary were off to check out the others and cause mayhem, mostly Mary.

        "Can't help it you do have a nice body." I could feel the smirk in his voice and his hands roaming my side, tensing up almost immediately. I swore he chuckled because he felt me tense up. "Most girls aren't as hot as you." His hands gently squeezed my ass, I accidentally let out a small squeak.

        "Get OFF." I was on the verge of throwing him off of me if he went any further.

       "What if I say no." His hands slid up from the rim of my shirt and THANK GOD Jeff burst in.

        "Hey fuckass Slenderman wants you," I was wanting to hug him till he tried to murder me and you wouldn't care.

        "THANK YOU." I got up and ran out the door only to be stopped with a waiting Ricky and Mary.

        "We heard that you needed to talk to slenderman, no chance in hell i'm letting you do this alone." Ricky smiled and opened the door for me. 

   "It can't be that bad. Go I'll be fine." I shrugged them off and waved as I slowly opened the door to reveal an orange hoodie and a yellow orange hoodie. Seriously what is it with these creepypasta and hoodies!?

        "You wanted to see me? Big guy?" I laughed a little at the comment I made.

        "Come here," He said, I hated how he was always in my head telling me what to do and forgetting I hate that?" 

        I walked closer balanced myself on my hand resting on his desk. I could hear a bit of a scoff or cough behind me, it was probably the weird guys that were there when I walked in.

        "Alright, woman once you become immortal, you do realize you stay your age forever, and you have a chance to ask me a question and i"ll answer it." I immediately fell quiet and started to think.

        "As in anything? Like I can ask you who my mother was and you'd know?" I couldn't bring myself to say those words without my voice cracking. His faceless head of his let out a slow nod. 

        "Anything you ask I will answer, no limits." I fell silent again as I tried choking back a sob.

        " I able to turn immortal." I looked down to avoid his head to move to 'look' at my face.

        "When you meet the requirements, you should know that." His voice was dangerously low and I shuddered just a bit due to it.

        "Thank you and I'll be taking my leave." I turned around to notice the two that were sitting there were now gone and no where to be found in the rather large room.

       Walking out of the room I breathed in a lot to let the stress and depress leave before anyone saw me. I started heading back to my room, I never realized how long the corridor was once I started thinking about it. Hearing slight breathing behind me I couldn't help but make my way down faster down the hall (Making my way downtown walking fast XD). Someone grabbed me and I immediately grabbed them and had them pinned underneath me before they could do anything else.

        It was one of the guys from the room but I couldn't feel him struggling in the slightest, I had no idea why until I felt a knife gently placed on my neck.

        "Nicely played, who are you guys and what do you want?" I let go of the guy with the white mask and grabbed the blade that was gingerly against my throat.

        "Masky," said the one underneath me as the other one grunted and responded with sounded like 'Hoodie'

        "Hoodie?" I asked as I unintentionally straddled the one called 'Masky'

        "Yea," He was really quiet, but seeing these two together brought suspicion to if they were either a couple or inseparable

        With the suspicion going through my mind I simply rested even more onto Masky without noticing the growing need in his jeans.

        The only reason I stopped thinking was because I heard a growl and it was from Masky, only to realize what I was doing.

        "I-I'm so sorry.!" I got up from him, feeling my face starting to burn I looked down only to see the bulge in his pants making me heat up even more.

        "Its fine just let me get up." I helped him up and  rubbed the back of my neck,

        "I have to go, I have to do some research and stalk people before I go out to kill.

        I shrugged my shoulders and ran off to my room slamming the door closed. I turned around and saw a very confused Mary and a sleeping Ricky.

        "Research, small boy around the age of 13, make sure he has both his parents and a great life with......some.......insecurities." I thought on the last part. "Do you know how many creepypasta are able to use teleportation, knives, or eats the flesh of the humans they kill?" I sounded almost disgusted on the last part I could tell on my own voice.

        "Already found him, he isn't very far and his name is Jackson Jones, funny." I could hear Mary giggle as she repeated the name of the kid over and over again.

        "Why does he sound familiar?" I couldn't put my finger on it but he sounded familiar and it bugged me more than it should.        

        ........It's him! 

        "Not JJ!" I bursts out suddenly. He was the kid you babysitted sometimes for extra money. I guess I kind of got attached to the kid, but I guess I have no choice I did ask for the description.

        Goodbye, JJ. I stared at the ground and started to think. Maybe he won't recognize me?

        Sorry this is short compared to the last few chapters I posted I just need to update sometimes becasue I forget what wattpad is.

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