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3 days later:

I walked through the school gate and made my way to my locker. I opened it, took out my books and slammed it shut. When I turned around, I bumped into someone and my books fell down. I crouched and was about to pick them up, when a hand on my own hand stopped me.

I looked up and there I saw really familiar beautiful eyes.

"Watch where you are going." Juyeon said and smiled at me.

I just sat there in shock while he was picking up my books. He smiled at me! That beautiful smile! I'm melting..

I shaked my head and was about to pick up my books until I noticed he was already standing and holding my books. When did he-

"Stop looking at me and stand up." he said and helped me stand up.

He gave me my books and left. He was right away surrounded by a group of girls. Once again I sighed.. And once again I wished I was a girl.

Why is world so unfair to me..


After school:

I went out of the school. I headed to the park just to chill. I sat on a nearest empty bench and closed my eyes.

I want to be a girl just to be with Juyeon.. Why are all hot boys straight? Why all my crushes are straight? Why am I so unlucky? I sighed.. Why am I gay? Why can't I be normal like everyone else? Why world hates me? Why-

"Hi" someone dared to interrupt my thoughts.

I opened my eyes and looked at the guy next to me.

"Hi, who are you?" I asked him.

"I'm Choi Chanhee and I saw you here, you okay?" he asked sounding worried.

"Ahh, yes I'm alright. Just thinking about.. things." I sighed.

"I see. You look sad tho. Are you Lee Jaehyun?"

"Yes, how do you know me?" I asked confused. I swear I never saw this guy.

"I have math class with you. I noticed you're always looking at Juyeon." he chuckled.


"Sorry, I really like him." I whispered.

"Hah, I can tell. Anyways, are you going to the ball with someone?" he asked me.

"Me? No, I'm not going. And you?"

"I'm going with my boyfriend. I'll wear skirt tho since he wants matching outfits and it's for a girl and boy." he said sounding kinda mad.

I laughed and looked at him. He looks really skinny and I bet skirt will look 100% good on him.

"Don't worry, you'll look good." I said and he smiled.

"Thanks. I gotta go now, it was nice talking to you. Byee." he waved and left.

I smiled. He lifted my mood up.

I decided to go home now since it's late and I didn't tell my mom so she must be worried.

I opened the front door and my mom nearly killed my right away.

" Jaehyun! You should text me before deciding being out! You made me worried, dumbass." she hit my head lightly and I gave her apologizing look.

"Yeah, sorry mom." I said.

"By the way, Haknyeon is in your room waiting for you." she said and I sprinted up to my room.

I kicked my door open and there was Haknyeon on his phone. He looked at me and flashed me a smile.

"Finally. Took you long enough to come. I've got an outfit for you for the ball." he said excited and went over to my closet.

He opened the door and..

He got to be kidding me..

We're getting so many comebacks. O_O
Two days ago TXT and Oneus, yesterday MCND and today BTS (and more ofc).. And we're still getting more

Can't wait for The Boyz comeback which should be next month :>

Which comeback was your favorite till now? :D


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