Damian Wayne= Mommy Issues

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I swung in, glass falling to the floor loudly, and I swore all I could see was red at the moment.

'That son of a bitch is soooo dead.'
"ROY, YA SACK OF SHIT, WAKE THE ACTUAL FUCK UP SO I CAN KILL YOU!" I growled, more like screamed, as the man's eyes widened and he jumped out of the bed, hands in the air.

"WHAT THE HELL, JAY?!" He screamed, as I stormed over to him and delivered a swinging kick right to his gut.

'Fucking soulless ginger ass musty bitch.'

"ALEX!," I hissed, grabbing his shirt collar, pinning him to the wall as he arched a brow, already over the pain he'd just recurved, "YOU TOOK THE BOUNTY OVER HER HEAD!"

"EXCUSE ME?! THE HELL I DID!," He pushed my arms away, "I rejected that shit the minute I got the offer form Black, Jason. Hell- I reported it to Robin."

"Then explain your me why the hell fire fly thinks that the fucking Arsenal is working with Gotham's most easily bought of, twisted minded little shits, to nab her, bag her, and drag her to Falcone."

"I don't know- hell, I've never never heard of 'Firefly'. I don't know why he thinks I'm working with him!

"Because, you are." a voice cut in, and we turned our heads to the doorway.
Apparently hidden in the shadows, stepped out Robin, who threw onto the pile of debri (I may have not busted a lamp and a few picture frames in our fight) a phone.

I whipped my head back at Roy, who looked at my helmet's eyes with scared, wide eyes.

"I swear to god, I don't know what the fuck he's talk abo- OUCH! DAMN IT!" He hissed, as I head butted him.

I had my helmet on, so it probably did hurt like a bitch- but that was what I wanted in the first place. Mission successful.

"Enough, Todd," Robin hissed, pointing to the phone, which I picked up immediately, "I'm the one who accepted it, under the name of Arsenal-"

"You musty little bitch ass mamas b-"

"Because it's going to get us one step closer to the Doctor and Roman. They now believe Arsenal is on their side, trying to win a billion dollar bounty on the head of a small, weak minded dog-like child."

"For one," I hissed, helping Roy up, who looked at me, knowing full well I wouldn't apologize any time soon, "Your timing is absolutely perfect considering I was about to blast Roy's balls of-"


"Two, her name is Alex and she's not a dog- and three, next time you do anything involving the kid, tell me, would ya?"

"Last time I checked, you didn't need to know, Todd. Me, father, and Grayson have been the ones making progress- not you or that useless idiot Drake- who still has done nothing to benefit us."

'That little brat.'
"What the hell do you mean 'I didn't need to know'?! Last time I checked, I'm the one whose been taking care of her!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2020 ⏰

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