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The bell rang. The day had finished finally, well, for now. I grabbed my bag and made my way over to the school gates where I saw Hannah already waiting.

"You got out early?" I asked, a puzzled look on my face.

"Only a few minutes, asked sir if I could leave earlier and go to the toilet." She smirked, pulling a packet of gum out her pocket. "You want one?" She offered, to which I accepted and took one.

We walked the short distance to the bus stop where we waited for a couple minutes for the next bus to stop. Once it arrived, I paid the bus fare and gave the driver a smile before going to take a seat next to Hannah. The journey wasn't particularly long and we were in Hannah's street pretty quickly.

We chatted about random stuff until we reached her house, she stuck her key in the lock and unlocked the door, pushing it open to let us both inside. After kicking off our shoes we ran upstairs like a pair of children, me jumping onto her bed, sprawling my body out on it.

"Freya." Hannah said playfully from her desk.

I looked up to see her holding her makeup back.

"No, absolutely not, besides, your foundation shade is completely different from mine." Shaking my head, knowing what she wanted to do.

"No shit, I didn't mean that and you know it, plus you don't need foundation anyway, your skin's perfect. I just wanna put some fake lashes on you" She tried to compliment me into agreeing. "Please." She pouted.

Rolling my eyes, I gave in. "Fine."

"Yay!" She squealed, jumping into her bed with her bag of makeup.

After a good twenty minutes of being slapped around with brushes and lashes, Hannah brought her face away from mine.

"Done!" She did little claps of excitement.

"Oh boy."

"Oi, go and have a look." Pointing towards her mirror, I stood up and went over to it. To be honest, it didn't look bad. She had left my skin completely as it was, I mean she didn't have a choice really, none of her skin products matched my skin. Now my eyelashes had grown twice the size, my cheeks were more contoured and my lips were a soft pink gloss.

"Do you like it then?" She came up behind me and wrapped her arms around my neck, almost choking me.

"Yes, I do. But you're choking me right now." I managed to cough out, and she removed her arms.

"Oops, sorry." She giggled.

"I'm not changing clothes, I like the dress i'm wearing." I pointed at her with authority, which she just held her hands up to in defeat.

"Right, you ready to go now?" I asked.

"Yes, yes. Come on." She grabbed my hand and yanked me out the house.

We once again caught the bus, to the cinema this time though. We jumped off at the stop and i gave the drive a quick 'thank you' before he shut the doors behind me and drove off.

We bought tickets for the film Hannah wanted to see. I wasn't too bothered about it, but she had been going on about it for weeks and I figured she'd enjoy it.

A slushie and two bags of overpriced sweets later we got into our seats, sitting through minutes of adverts before the film finally began.

Once the film had ended, we left the cinema, my eyes taking a few minutes to readjust to the lighting outside.

"Wanna get something to eat?"

"Duh, where shall we go?" I looked at all the places nearby on my phone, showing them all to Hannah, and I agreed.

"Let's stick with Mcdonald's, can never go wrong with one of them." Hannah finally came to a conclusion.


It was 6:30 by the time I got home from my afternoon out with Hannah. I wondered if Theo would be at the tree tonight, he had been for the past couple days.

I had a small conversation with my mum before I left. The nights were getting longer as summer drew closer. I loved summer. It reminded me of when my mum, dad, brother and I would go on picnics to the park, back when life was simpler. Dad taught me how to ride a bike in summer, not letting me give up after each fall. He'd let me sit on his shoulders when we walked. I missed spending time with him.

I pushed the branch out the way at the end of the path, it flinging back behind me. Strolling the usual way to the tree I saw someone sat up against the tree. Theo.

"Seems i'm the one stalking you now." He swing his head around, his eyes meeting mine.

"Didn't think you were gonna come tonight." A small grin sat on his lips.

I went and perched myself next time him, I could feel his eyes on me.

"Yes?" My eyes drifted toward the person beside me.

"You look different." He tried to figure out what had changed, but couldn't quite put his finger on it.

"Oh, yeah my friend Hannah insisted on doing my makeup for me." I rolled my eyes but gave a giggle at the end.

"Ah." Theo said simply, not quite sure what to say.

My eyes felt heavy, I had been on the move all day today and it was taking a toll on me. Just as I closed my eyes I heard a voice.

"I brought you this."

I opened one eye to see Theo holding out a book to me. Quickly, I opened the other to get a better look at it. Speechless I looked up to the boy who was just smiling.

"You didn't have to." I managed to spit out, still in shock.

"I wanted to. You said you only had one Jane Austen book."

"Well yeah-" I began but was cut off my the book being placed into my hands.

"Take it, please." I wrapped my hands around the pages as my eyes scanned the front cover.

'Sense and Sensibility'

"Thank you." I almost whispered to him.

"No problem, although I do expect you to read me some though." The boys grin grew.

I sat in silence, it may not seem like much, but the fact someone had listened to what I was interested in made me feel special. Hannah has always thought literature had been boring, and my mum never really understood it.

Theo stretched his legs out, crossing his feet and let out a sigh before turning to face me.

"Go on then." He nodded his head towards the book in my grip. "Start reading."

"Oh, uh, okay."

I crossed my legs and opened the novel to the first page, Theo shut his eyes as I began.

"The family of Dashwood had long been settled in Sussex."

haven't done an authors note yet, but hey hope you're enjoying this already. I have many plans for this book, so please stay tuned:) also i'm doing a lot of schoolwork rn so uploads might be slow:)

𝙨𝙚𝙣𝙨𝙚 - 𝙗𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙨𝙝 𝙧𝙤𝙮𝙖𝙡 𝙛𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙡𝙮Where stories live. Discover now