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Third Person POV

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Third Person POV

When Aizawa woke up, he was blinded by the white room he laid in. He could feel the bandages that covered his entire body. Turning his head to the right, he saw a few 'get well' cards and his goggles. They looked refurbished and had a small note attached to them.

'They looked as old as you.' Read the small note.

"From that Ito girl. She refused to leave, you know." Recovery Girl spoke, slightly scaring the man.

"Broke her own foot in front of Vlad King just so she could ride in the same abumblance as you. She wouldn't take any treatment until that cute pink girl with the horns convinced her. Even then she wouldn't leave the room." She said again, smiling lightly

Aizawa went to speak but couldn't. He couldn't even open his mouth wide enough.

"She saved your life. Stopped you from completely bleeding out."

Aizawa's eyes widened. She saved him? He remembered her sitting over him but the pain was too intense to focus on anything but her eyes.

Her eyes, they were onyx, just like his, and filled with tears. She looked so worried. But why? She didn't seem like the type to cry so easily. She hasn't known him for more than a few weeks. Why did she care so much? Because he was her teacher? No, nobody else put their life on the line for him and she's been in class less than they have. So what was it?

"I know what you're thinking," Recovery Girl hopped off her chair and walked towards the door. "Ask her directly and see what she says."

The room was silent. Until Jimi let out an awkward giggle.

"Well, Recovery Girl seems like a sweet lady. I didn't expect her to hear about the foot thing." Jimi mumbled the last part.

"Why?" Aizawa choked out. He wasn't crying, no, he was scared. Scared to know the truth. Was it bad? What did this girl know?

"Y-you're my teacher." Jii stuttered out. Shit. She's definitely been caught.

"No. It's not because of that. Stop lying." Aizawa's voice got more serious.

Jimi's fight, flight, or freeze instinct kicked in.

Freezing wouldn't work well, he'd just glare at her until she gave into the pressure.

Fight seemed useless since they were in a conversation, not a fight.

So, flight it was.

Sprighting out of the class quickly, Jimi ran down the halls until she reached lunch rush's kitchen.

She found the Bakusquad and hid behind the person farthest to the door, who happened to be Bakugo.

She crouched down and hid behind the ash blonde's muscular body just in time for Aizawa to walk in.

"What the hell?" Bakugo cursed.

"Shh! Aizawa's looking for me. If you keep me a secret, I'll do whatever you want." Jimi pleaded.

Bakugo scoffed and turned back to eat his food. Mina was giving Jimi worried glances from where she sat, across Bakugo until Aizawa approached them.

"Have you seen Ito?" He asked calmly.

"No sir, we thought she stayed after class with you." Sero played along. Jimi thanked him to herself.

"Hm." Aizawa hummed before walking away.

Jimi let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and watched as the tired man left.

"What was that about?" Kirishima asked as she took Bakugo's seat, forcing him to move over. That earned a growl from the explosive teen.

"I ran." Jimi stated, reaching over and grabbing a slice of an apple from Kaminari's tray.

"Why?" Kaminari asked, not minding his stolen food.

Jimi shrugged, not ready to tell them the truth.

But when she saw Mina was staring at her with a small frown, Jimi smirked.

"Miss me?" She joked.

Mina flushed and tore her gaze away. She wasn't usually this quiet but now she couldn't think of anything to say.

Jimi noticed Mina's change in demeanor but decided it'd be best to question it later.

Lunch went on as normal..

For five minutes.

Because All Might walked in and ran straight towards the Bakusquad.

"Young Ito! Might I have a word?" His voice boomed over everyones, causing major second hand embarrassment for the girl.

"If this is some kind of trick to get me to talk with Aizawa, you can forget it." Jimi waved him off.

He looked at her confused. "No. Aizawa has nothing to do with this. Please, if you will, follow me."

With that, he walked out. Jimi let out a loud sigh and followed out the number one hero. Not without ruffling Mina's hair a bit.

All Might was waiting for her outside and smiled even wider, if that was possible, and the two walked side-by-side until they reached a door. Opening it, Jimi wasn't very surprised to see Midoriya. But he was surprised to see her.

So when All Might deflated into his normal form, Midoriya freaked.

"Ah! All Might!" Midoriya screamed.

Jimi took a seat on the couch across from the broccoli head and waited until he calmed down.

"It's quite alright young Midoriya. I trust young Ito here. She did figure out everything by herself." All Might laughed, taking the seat next to Jimi.

Midoriya looked dumbfounded. "What.?"

"I put the pieces together. I figured out that you two had a connection and thought it might have something to do with your quirk. It wasn't that hard." Jimi shrugged.

"Yes. And nowadays I can only be All Might for fifty minutes." All Might said, pouring some water into a teapot.

"Only fifty minutes?" Midoriya asked.

"Yeah. That's about how long I can use my power now." All Might said.

Jimi groaned and wondered why she was there.

"I overdid it too many times. That Nomu was a real tough customer. It took a lot out of me. At this point, I can barely even look like All Might for an hour and a half." All Might sighed.

"I'm so sorry. I should have just- AH!" Midoriya was cut off by All Might, splurging out blood, which Jimi barely managed to dodge.

"Okay! I'm leaving!" Jimi stood up and left without another word. She could understand why All Might would take her into their conversations about One for All but not at the moment. Why was she needed?

Jimi decided to head out to a training ground to get a head start on the festival training.

A/N: Please go check out the playlist I made on Spotify for this story! Link is in my bio.

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