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Yui Komori has always been observant. She always noticed things, that most of the other people didnt and she was glad that she did have this talent, because otherwise she wouldnt have noticed the way that the six Sakamaki brothers didnt bother her as often, she wouldnt have noticed that kanato never asked her to bring or cook him something sweet anymore,she wouldnt have noticed the way that shuu was never sleeping in her bed anymore, even though he said it was the most comfortable place in the house or that reiji didnt want her help in sorting his books and cleaning anymore, Laito only talked to her when he needed something anymore and didnt visit her while she was changing, telling her how gorgeous she looked in her nightgown, even subaru ignored her, he didnt help her when she needed it, he never came to her room asking how she was doing.. but the absolute worst was ayato.. he avoided her like she was fire, he didnt talk to her anymore, he didnt want her to make him food anymore, he didnt get jealous when she talked to other boys at school anymore, he just didnt care.. it was like the brothers completely forgot about her existence and were acting like she was a ghost or something. They only talked to her or looked at her when they needed her blood but even that became rarer and rarer as the days went on. It was extremly strange and yui was determined to find out what was up, she wanted to know why she didnt exist for them anymore, so she came up with a plan to find out why they were acting that way, maybe some people would think she was crazy for wanting to find out what their prboblem was instead of leaving them and just being happy they finally left her alone but if she had to be honest, these boys became really important to her and she really loved them, even if she wouldnt admit it out loud, they were like a family that she never had to her. She grew up in a closter with nuns and priests because her real parents abandoned her when she was still a baby, for whatever reason, so she never really got to play with other kids or make friends. She only had two best friends that she met at church, beacuse their familys were very religious but they probably forgot about her at this point, since yui last talked to them over a year ago when she was saying goodbye to everyone before moving. She was never allowed to go outside, and if she could go out,it was only in the garden to take care of the flowers. So when she met the sakamakis she was happy to finally met new people and yes, the beginning was rocky, they thought of her as a poor human being that is not able to do anything right or a whore that only wants them to suck out all her blood and all the other inappropriate things..but as time went by they grew closer and they werent that sadistic and rude to her anymore. They went out shopping togheter or went to the cinema. They would often go out to eat or cooked togheter.All of them had so much fun but now it all suddenly changed.. She really cared about those boys and there was only one way to find out why they behaved the way that they did if they werent going to speak with her. She had to ask *him*. She knew that if the brothers found out she met up with him, they would not be pleased at all, maybe even pissed but who cared? She wanted her family back and she would take any risk to understand what was happening to them. 

So she called him, at that moment she was extremely thankfull that subaru bought her a new phone after destroying her old one, even though she sadly lost all her old contacts she was glad he trusted her enough to buy her a new phone, but she had to be careful with it beacuse the other brothers werent supposed o know she had one. Suprisingly, she got Karlheinz number from subaru, he told her she could need it if anything happened and the six of them werent around or couldnt help her in time. She nervously picked his number and clicked call with shacky hands. She met him once before beacuse the sakamakis had a family dinner and to everyones shock, he showed up. He was elegant and was very well behaved but yui already suspected he would be that way, what really amazed her was his look, dont get her wrong she knew all sakamakis where overly good looking but she didnt think that he would look so young! He literally looked like he was in his late twentys and after seeing him she knew where the brothers got their looks from. She even envied them a little, their porcelane skin and perfect posture. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2020 ⏰

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