Velma x reader (Guy's side) Epilogue:

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(Y/N)'s POV:

I am so nervous right now. It's been several months since I purposed to Velma and today is the day when we're actually getting married. I don't think I've ever been this nervous in my whole life.

"How are holding up, (N/N)?" Fred asks.

"Honestly, I'm freaking out and starting to feel a little nauseous," I say, trying to adjust my suit.

"Like, man, (N/N), I don't think I've seen you this nervous before," Shaggy says.

"Reah," says Scooby.

"That's because Mr. Tough guy here is getting married," says Dean.

"I'm pretty sure what you're feeling, (Y/N), is wedding jitters," (F/A/N) points out.

"Relax. It happens to everyone," says Sam.

"Easy for you to say," I say.

"My boy, you'll do fine," Mr. Rogers says, giving me a pat on the shoulder.

Velma and I pretty much invited a lot of people: our friends, their families, and some of our neighbors. And yes, Shaggy's parents were also included on the list. Even though they're not related to me, that doesn't change the fact that they took me in and raised me. They're practically like family to me.

I sigh. "Were you and my dad this nervous at your own weddings?" I ask, trying to calm down.

Mr. Rogers laughs. "Oh, the memories. Your father actually handled it better than I did. He was probably as calm and collected as he could be. But at my own wedding, I was so nervous, I felt my heart was going to stop," he says, making sure to fix my neck-tie a little. "But while I was standing at the altar, and saw how beautiful my wife looked, well-dressed for our wedding, all of my worries just suddenly disappeared. Then before I knew it, we said our vows and became husband and wife. Trust me, you'll do fine."

"He's right," a familiar voice says, making us look to see Shaggy's mom, Mrs. Rogers. "Believe it or not, even women get scared on an event like this. It happens to everyone. But by the time it's all over, you start to feel ridiculous, thinking 'what was I so worried about?'."

I smile. "Thanks, guys," I say, starting to become relieved. Then I start to think of something. "Um, listen, I know you're not my birth parents, but...thank you, for taking me in, raising me, and always being there for me. Thanks, for everything."

They both start to smile at me. "You're welcome, honey," Mrs. Rogers says, giving me a quick hug.

"And as happy as it makes us to see you getting married...there's just one condition you have to do to make us approve," Mr. Rogers says, making me raise an eyebrow. "You have to call us Mom and Dad."

I let out a small laugh. "Okay, deal," I say.

Before I knew it, it was finally time for the ceremony to start. I was standing at the altar with (F/A/N), Shaggy and Scooby as my best men, while Mr. and Mrs. Rogers left with Fred, Sam and Dean to go take their seats, along with the other guests. Then the music started to play. I could see Velma being escorted down the isle by her father. Turns out, Mr. and Mrs. Rogers were right. Seeing how beautiful Velma looks right now, all of my worries just suddenly disappeared.

Soon, Velma's dad went to sit next to his wife while Velma joins me at the altar. I saw the looks Mr. and Mrs. Rogers and Velma's parents were making. They looked really happy to see me and Velma getting married. Even our friends look happy. And believe it or not, I saw Dean wipe a tear from his eye, making Sam tease his brother a little about how sentimental he is right now when he's usually being a tough guy.

After saying our vows... "I now announce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride," the priest says.

(sorry if this sucks. I tried my best. I've only been to one wedding when I was 5 years-old, and don't remember much, so I don't know a lot about weddings. This was the best I could do. Sorry again if you don't like this)

After placing our rings on each other's finger, Velma and I kiss, while everyone cheers. Taking that as the signal, Velma has her back facing the large group of girls and tosses her bouquet behind her for one of the girls to catch. When we see that it was...surprisingly, Dean, who caught the bouquet (because it's hilarious), I tried really hard not to laugh at him, since he was the last person I ever expected to catch it.

Guess this means that we'll soon be seeing Dean getting married to a special someone.

There were a lot of photos taken afterwards. One of me and Velma, another of us with our families, and the final one of us and the rest of Mystery Inc. I'll admit, I wish my parents were here to see this, but as long as I have Velma and all of my friends, I'll be okay. I'm not sure what the future holds for us, but I do know one thing. I wouldn't change this moment for anything else in the world.

(I know that the first song is from Scooby Doo The Mystery Begins movie, but I thought it'd be a cool addition. Same with the second song. I also didn't know which one to choose from, so I put in both, and I hope you enjoy both songs.)

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