🔪 twelve

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i followed jeongin home everyday after school for the rest of the week, memorising his route, his schedule, every little detail about his life. i couldn't afford any mistakes that would lead investigators to me. it had to look like a suicide, or else everything would be ruined.

i had to buy some supplies as well, specifically bleach and acetone to make chloroform, and some duct tape. and i grabbed some sweet treats for myself, because this was gonna be tiring.

it was monday when i decided to do it, and i was following him after school again. i had everything i needed, including some rope that i managed to get from my dad's shed. he wouldn't mind, in fact he never asked about it, not even now.

we were on a quiet street, with trees to the left of us and the road to the right. this is where i was going to take him. he was on the phone though, which was a problem. i knew that he would definitely be distracted, but whoever was ok the other line will know something was up. it was really disappointing, because we were nearing the end of the tree line, which would mean i had to reschedule.

so i thought, why not try and listen in on who he was talking to. i sped up my pace a little, pulling my own phone from my pocket so i didn't look suspicious, and i just listened. and do you know who he was on the phone to?

it was chan.

and he had just broken up with jeongin over the phone.

how pathetic.

double update bc its short

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