Chapter Six- Fatal Attraction

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(Tw- stalking, obsession, hints of psychopathy and Yandere tendencys [?] )

You see, I'd adored Valley ever since the very moment I laid my eyes upon her, she was so mesmerising. But I didn't realise how much she'd meant to me...until she was stolen away. Like a thief in the night.

Wednesday the 23rd of October, that's when I found out the rotting truth.

It all started like another school morning, waking up, brushing my teeth, arguing with my mother over something stupid and getting forced into Jason's car. Replace Jason with some other guy every so often too, but luckily she's kept him longer than the others.

Charm runs in the family in my opinion.

Grinning I slouched in the passenger seat watching carefully as my step father switched on the cars engine a roar of power following the clicking of the rotting keys, this car was a bucket of rust, I'd smash it too bits if I had to live with this on my driveway, ridiculous.

But what could I say, I couldn't speak my mind anyways, children's opinions aren't real opinions. At least; that's what I've grown up to know, know the eldest are the wisest but the youth are the strength. That can go the opposite way. However, my grandparents haven't been in contact since they had that argument with mum at dads funeral.

"What was that yesterday!" Jason barked not bothering to be polite as he sped off the driveway.

"What was what, dickhead."

(I didn't care about language with him or anyone else for that matter, they can't tell me what I can or cannot say.)

"You walked into MY house covered in BLOOD!"

My house? My house?! My fucking house?! Is he having a laugh!?

"It's my dads house, mum got it from the inheritance, twat." I spat out growling, not able to look that thing in the eye.

He snickered, "Well, boy, as long as I'm with your mother. I am your dad, get used to it."

We both shamefully looked away in silence before Jason opened his big mouth again.

"You're insane, kid. I'm going to get into contact with a mental hospital if you carry this shit on."

"What am I doing, exactly?"


He backhanded my face quickly diverting his eyes from the road, my cheek throbbed as I gasped in a mixture of rage and shock, how dare he.

"Ow!" I complained over exaggerating just a tiny bit, despite the fact it was agonising. I mean he's quite muscled so I'd expect that.

"Don't go killing the neighbours rabbit next time, then!" He screamed slamming his fist on the top of the steering wheel, he wasn't concentrating.


Huffing, I impatiently waited for him to park the car before I jumped out and slammed the door spitting on the concrete before stomping away, face a  boiling red.

But that's when I saw it, Valley and...what's his name...Liu? Yeah Valley and Liu were stood a few meters away from me holding hands like some...couple.

She did not...

Feeling my own fury take control of me like I was a puppet I strode over all high and mighty making the pair of them snap their heads around confused.

"Hey David!" Valley smiled warmly, waving calmly swallowing her nerves that I could see as clear as day.

I ignored the pleasant greeting, even if my face became a wildfire, "Who's this?"

He replied for her not all impressed with me, "I'm Liu, what do you need?"

"Pfft, you think I'm stupid. I meant who is he!? Is he your boyfriend or something?!" I growled, my narcissistic self entitlement enhancing me.

"Well...yes...yes he is, that shouldn't be a proble- DAVID!"

I punched him clean around the face blankly watching him crumble onto the ground like a bomb setting off it's fuse. Blood splattered all over my knuckles.

"Ah..shit. What the hell?!" Liu barked, stumbling onto his feet again not showing any sign of pain.

I sighed, "She doesn't like you. She can't."

"Why can't I David?" Valley spoke worried placing a considerate hand on my shoulder as if it would calm me down to a resemble level.

"Because...well. He just isn't the one for you, I'm a better match anyways."

Oh god, I could've done miles better. Hell, she loves me what could go wrong?

"I don't like you, I'm dating Liu because I love him. Not for any social status. That's all men seem to think about."

"But I don't care about that?! It's his fault anyways." I rolled my eyes, squeezing my arms to release my growing adrenaline.

Then I heard a high sounding voice, "Get away from my brother, you punched him!"

I groaned face-palming, "Who said I did that?"

Jeff pointed at the blood trickling down his older brothers lower lip, If he hadn't pointed that out I wouldn't of noticed. Blame him for not reacting like a normal human being.

Examining the way Jeff'd ran over, I knew by his body language he hadn't comforted Liu before and seeing that Liu'd carefully pushed him aside reassuring him he was fine; he didn't know how to help.

So, bored knowing I wouldn't get my way I stormed off mumbling and cursing under my breath, I'd just plan something drastic.

She made me feel whole...

What was that quote from the bible? Love on another as I've loved you? Seems that wouldn't apply to reality, would it?

Ashame really, so I set up my headphones and put on some random track not that bothered on the actual song. I was way too distracted to pay attention.

And you know what was the worse part? We had this formal end of year dance, and knowing they were dating? Well that's going to ruin the whole event for me, yet I'm being forced to go so mum can go on a date night.

You know what? I'll just expose them on the night, I'll figure something out!


Sorry for the terrible chapter

"Love Is A Drug" David Gill Cook (Vailly Evans AU)Where stories live. Discover now