Chapter Seven- Snapping The Plot

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Like I said, I hate Liu, I hate Jeff and I hate anyone else who dares get into the way of me and Vailly. I mean, she has to love me. Everyone loves me. I mean apart from half the school with their toxic lies, but they don't matter because I clearly didn't and still don't give a fuck if you like me.

Unless you're Vailly; then it's a problem.

Anyways, better get on with it.

I despise formal clothes, they're so tacky and tight, it's gross and in that new light, I detested against wearing a suit and went for a more neon outfit, a sleeveless leather jacket, jeans and fishnets. Hey, just because I'm a male doesn't mean I can't wear fishnets, plus they were like gloves.

Who genders clothing? It's like gendering food, colours and objects. Oh wait, that's society for you, a fucking home wrecking mess.

I wonder sometimes how many lives were ruined by these self centered rules, they should just follow me if they think life's such a cruel thing, though. I mean I can't hate on the people who...hate themselves but it effects the others around you more than yourself, that's fact.

Where was I? Ah yes, I was about to jump into the dance so I could show my cleverish revenge, I mean if you could call this revenge and not just pettiness. Actually no, this was taking back my girl. I just need to cover up my tracks.

That's one thing my family taught me, what gets to people. What makes humans's such a fascinating thing. Maybe, one day, sit on a little grassy hill you could be surrounded by selfish self pity or you could watch as everyone else ran by, not realising how quick life ends.

Think about it for a moment; you could die at any time, you could die in the most humiliating ways like falling into some sort of machine screaming while you become little shredded pieces of flesh. Oh god, thinking about that is so satisfying. Ashame that's only a blurry daydream.

So, as I plopped myself in the corner clutching my phone tightly, scanning the room for my enchantress, my one and only. My amoureuse, my Julliet. I'll be the hero of this. We all know never to trust an outcast. After all, they're most likely clinically insane for Christs sake.

After ages of eternal waiting and patience, there she came in an adorable white summer dress hair perfectly curled, she'd had her outfit, hair and makeup done by a professional.

Because it was a well known fact that her parents tried their hardest to make sure she's liked by others, who could hate her though? She's such an angel, God's holy partner. Even if that was true the devil himself couldn't rival her, she's just too pure.

And she's off limits.

Especially for the Woods kid who followed behind her, in some fancy suit he didn't suit it and for hells sake why on earth is he STILL wearing those ankle warmer looking things on his arm, it would look ten times better if they had holes for the thumbs or something.

But I guess that's a wealthy family thing, he was so fucking ungrateful. No wonder he's such a big target, the parents wouldn't believe him, they think we all adore him. Pfft, no, I despise him. I loathe him.

For the next hour, I watched the couple dance together it was sickening, like some crappy Cinderalla remake.

And the strangest thing was; none of the well known bullies said a word.

Yes of course they were the first ones to arrive but one the Harrisons dashed off so the others chased him, in my opinion that was stupid, highly ridiculous. Good thing about that was: I had more room too watch them, trying to find a flaw to reveal to the world. Why was this so difficult, they're a couple made by Lucifer himself?!

Then Vailly paused, anxiously scanning the room, she'd only just noticed that half the hall was watching her. So, she panicked.

Vailly grabbed Lius arm and dragged him outside, those assholes made her paranoid.

"Christ on a stick..." I mumbled, "Roast me on a barbecue because I'm burning with rage I guess."

Chuckling to myself, I began rambling about random things to comfort myself. And also to pass a few minutes so I could travel outside to watch from out there.

How would I not ge- I'll just say it was too loud. The music was obnoxiously blasting my eardrums anyway, but I couldn't actually see the speakers anywhere.

Sighing, I grabbed some cheap drink that someone had left, it was full but why would I care? Watch your drink next time, pfft idiots.

Once I'd spotted the pair, I immediately pulled out my phone and started recording. You see, neither parents would fully approve of the relationship, not to mention that they'd bet bullied into separation if the whole school found out.

And hey, I'll be right here, innocently ominously, patiently waiting for her to break. Then I'll make sure she's never hurt again, I'll be the thumb that wipes the tear from her cheek. I'm the only one she'll ever love, I'm the only one who deserves her.

But, either way, I was way to stuck into my thoughts to notice that they'd started....kissing. They were kissing? Kissing?!

Growing thicker and thicker with fury, I pressed a little white button to capture the kiss ended the video and snickered.

"What are you doin' out here, nutjob? Oh sorry, stalker."

I spat on the concrete, "Fuck off whoever you are!"

The guy leant on my shoulder, I glanced next to me to see it was Sully Harrison his older brother stood with a few other groupies a couple of meters away.

"Na', you know they're relationships public, right? It's just a bit sad that you're trying to expose them this way, you know?"

My face paled, how else would this work.

He shuffled backwards almost immediately washing his hands like I had some disease. It must've been an inside joke about me because the others roared with laughter.

And as they all left, he yelled; "You have a better chance at kidnapping the girl, bro'!"

Actually that's not a bad idea....not at all...

"Love Is A Drug" David Gill Cook (Vailly Evans AU)Where stories live. Discover now