James Deaton

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A few months before graduation, Deaton walked into his house to his grandma on the couch. His worst nightmare came true, as she wasn't breathing.

The next morning the doctors at the hospital confirmed she was gone. Sasha never left his side as he mourned, or during her funeral. The funeral was small, only his fiends and peter's mom and sister. He was thankful for the friends he had, as they stuck by him. 

He gave half of his inheritance to Peter's mother, and when he left with Sasha, he left them his house too. 

In college, he wrote his dad a letter telling him to fuck off. He didn't want contact with him, he wanted to watch him suffer for what he did.

Every Friday night he would speak to his mother's and grandmother's ashes, hoping they could hear him. He told them how much he loved them, and wish he did more for them, but understood it was time to move on. He found his own little family.

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