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"So, it all started when I was at this party of some girl," Matty tells me. "We were drunk, and we had lots of fun. The girl who threw the party, Mckenzie, was also the girl my friend Jake has a crush on. So this Mckenzie came to me, and asked me if I knew if Jake had a crush on her. I said no. I told her she didn't make a chance. I don't know why, but I just did it." Matty sighs.
"The next day, at school, Jake found out. He was so mad at me. He told me that he and my other friends already thought that I was annoying, and that this was the end. He was so mad at me. And then we started yelling, and fighting."
"Oh my gosh, Matty.." I'm quite surprised, actually. I mean, I didn't expect that Matty has been drinking and.. Fighting?! Like, what?!
"Yeahh.. And Jake and my other 'friends' told the principal I randomly just started fighting with Jake."
"Oh Matty.. That's so awful!"

"So, Matty, what are you going to do during your suspension thing? " Matty laughs, "Nothing! I'm gonna do absolutely nothing!"

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