Part Four

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Frankie's head hurt like hell.

It was pounding. She felt like she'd pass out. Her eyes fluttered open and she immediately panicked, not recognizing her surroundings. This wasn't a Hydra facility. It was too clean, too shiny. Too new.

"Где я?," 'Where am I?' she muttered, trying to grab her head, but she was restrained. These restraints were strong, better than the shit Hydra had. She looked them over for a long moment.

What was going on?

"You're okay, Agent Barnes," a soft voice came from her left, but her vision was still blurry. She didn't recognize the accent either. And it made her panic further. The heart monitor on her right was going berserk.

"Take a breath," the same woman replied, coming into Frankie's peripheral. She was young. Couldn't have been more than seventeen. What was up with all of these kids?

"Где я?," she repeated, this time a bit more harshly. She needed some damn answers. And if this wasn't Hydra, she was certainly a dead woman once they got a hold of her. She'd failed. Badly.

The woman looked a bit confused, her gaze trailing to someone in the corner. "She wants to know where she is," the man replied, the same one from earlier. The one who knew her. He sounded exhausted.


"You're safe. I promise, Agent Barnes," the young girl smiled at her, trying to soothe her. But it wasn't helping. Frankie was on edge. If Hydra showed up, everyone would be dead.

"Они убьют меня," she muttered. 'They'll kill me.'

The man in the corner sighed softly. She could see him rub his face with the metal arm. He looked as exhausted as he sounded. He also looked broken, like he was in anguish.

"Они этого не сделают. Обещаю, ты здесь в безопасности, птичка." 'They won't. I promise you're safe here, little bird.'

She shook her head. He had to be lying.

There was no way she was safe.

The young woman stepped up cautiously and placed two round stickers on Frankie's temples. Her eyes were wide, full of fear and she wanted to rip them off. Tear the whole place apart. She could do it.

If she focused enough.

"We're going to help," the woman told her, slowly, carefully. Calmly. "We can fix what they did to you. We fixed Sergeant Barnes." She gestured to Bucky, who gave Frankie a weak smile.

"Ты не можешь помочь," she replied. 'You can't help.'

"They can," Bucky spoke up, no emotion left in his voice. "They helped me to remember. I lost who I was. And you," he smiled, "you helped, too."

Frankie narrowed her eyes. That couldn't be right. She didn't know this man.

"Пожалуйста, мой Воробей. Моя маленькая птичка. Пусть помогают." 'Please, my Sparrow. My little bird. Let them help.'

She watched the woman cautiously as she brought in a small machine, switching it on with a low hum. And Frankie went crazy. Thrashing, kicking. Screaming in Russian.

"Help!," the woman called out and several others rushed in, restraining Frankie to the table. "I have to sedate her. I'm sorry Bucky."

Frankie heard a low moan from the man just as her eyes closed.


"What the fuck?"

Frankie's eyes opened slowly, but the light from overhead hurt like hell. Just as she thought that, the lights dimmed just a bit. She sighed softly and laid her head back.

After a few minutes, she opened them again. Looking around, she was confused. How in the hell did she get to Wakanda? She'd just been in Moscow, hadn't she?

God, what the hell happened in Moscow?

The memories were fuzzy. They just wouldn't come.

"Give yourself some time. You'll get there."

"Sam?," she asked softly as he came into view.

"Scared the hell outta us, Barnes. We were all worried sick."

She tried to focus on his voice, but she could barely do it. "How the fuck did I get here? And why am I here?," she asked just as it hit her.

"What did I do?"

The question was dark, full of absolute fear.

"Sammy? What did I do? I need you to tell me."

He let out a breath, letting her wrists free from the restraints. She rubbed them gently with a small 'thanks', momentarily distracted. But it was short lived.

"Sam. Please."

"Hydra got you, Franks."

Tears welled up. She didn't remember ever feeling this scared. Absolutely terrified. She swallowed hard and looked away, memories starting to slowly clear from the fog in her head. Jesus.

"Did I hurt you?"

Sam smiled a bit, rubbing his neck. "Gave Barton and I a hell of a concussion. But we're both fine. Healed up nicely. Hope and Scott were pretty beat up and so was Wanda. But it's fine, Frankie. That wasn't you."

Tears streamed freely at his words. She hurt them. Her family. God, it hurt her so badly. She hated Hydra. Hated herself. Hated all of it. Why did this happen?

"Buck?," she asked softly, but she didn't really want to know.

"He's okay," Sam told her, "bit shaken up. So is the kid. But honestly, everyone is okay, Barnes. I promise. We just want you to get well and come on home."

She shook her head. How in the hell could she come home after what she did? How could she face them after they'd seen her like that?

"Don't argue," the voice came from behind Sam.

Tears spilled over again. She should've never left him.

"Don't argue, Sparrow. We need you. I need you. Come home to me."

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