Chapter two - Lector

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(yay chapter two! ...woooooo.....heh...)

"Human girl, it is time for you to-" I walked into the human's room with a stern look only to find her sound asleep on her bed. It was surprising as she seemed alert when I had called her up, so why was she so tired now? Unsure of what to do, I simply shook her by the shoulder only for her to shoot up, almost hitting me in the nose with her head. She seemed frantic but calmed just as suddenly as she had awoken.

"Sorry! sorry sorry!" she repeated over and over as she smoothed her hair and wiped at her face. I stood still, as always. This human was an odd one alright.

"It is your turn to collect your personal belongings." I repeated what I had to the boy 'Aron' as he had called himself. She nodded and I handed her the grey bag. "You can bring anything that fits in this, we have to leave as soon as you get back so don't take long," I commanded and she nodded again. Such an odd species, loud one minute and silent the next. She took the bag and headed out of the room, her long red hair flowing out behind her secured neatly at the base with the white ribbon. But the shocking red wasn't what had caught my attention, it was her attention. While the other humans were looking around nervously, hiding behind other humans, staring at their feet or whispering to each other, she was staring straight up at us. Plus there was the light. Her bright hair and eyes reflected sunlight like none of the others around her. This was similar but also opposite to the boy. Compared to those he surrounded himself with at the gathering, he was cool and full of shadows. It was like he was a dimension away from us, unaffected by the light of this world. The two were different, one light, one shaded. The sun and the moon. This experiment would definitely prove interesting. I stepped out of the girl's still white room, I supposed she hadn't figured out she could change the light colours yet and stood in front of the large bed hall window. Some of the humans were looking angrily up at me, giving me odd hand gestures or shouting and throwing their fists in the air at the window, a couple of small rocks and pebbles were tossed at the window as the people shouted at me though it was completely silent. Thanks to the ship's walls. I wandered into the main control room and took my place at the main computer. I was, of course, Captain Shiltaet's right hand and the main "computer blurb" of this ship as Orol said. There were seven of us on board not including the humans, Myself, Orol, Iv'ol, Phiziot, Hezat, Moroh, and Shiltaet. We were a small crew, but we would suffice for this mission as we really only needed to drift as we observed the two. That was our mission, to observe one male and one female specimen in a Firna's habitat to see how they adapt to our superior technology and way of living. In turn, we would ask them about their culture to see how well we may adapt to their more simple ways to see how much will REALLY have to change. All of a sudden, I was attacked. A small furry thing latched onto my mane and began dangling itself from the longer bit causing me to (rather ungracefully) squawk loudly in surprise and attempt to wrestle it off.

"Sorry! She's normally so much calmer!" the shaded one shouted as he ran up to me, gently tugging the tiny creature from my mane. I swung around to see him holding a small thing with off white fur and covered in deep brown stripes. The thing had small triangular ears and a long furry tail. The tiny beast also had tiny claws and large flaps of skin between its front and back legs. I huffed.

"Who the Ezuix let you bring THAT thing?" I asked enraged. The human Aron looked offended.

"Roni is not a THING. She's a sugar glider." he argued. Stroking the chittering thing while making odd faces and placing his lips to its head. I rolled my eyes in disgust and turned back to my work.

"You didn't answer my question" I informed him, already annoyed with the cooing noises and murmured words he was speaking to the 'sugar glider'. He seemed equally annoyed with me.

"The guard who brought me to my house. He said I could bring it...I think his name was Moroh." I was taken aback. Moroh wasn't one to break rules and the captain had said specifically not to bring anything living other than the humans on board. I sighed and closed my computer.

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