Chapter 20 - Green Eyed Monster

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Authors Note: Its been forever since I've updated this and I'm so sorry guys!

Chapter 20

(Meredith's POV)

What for some time had been our secret little hideout no one knew about. As I reached Julia in the hallway she looked at me with the look that she always sent people when she knew something was up "so who's in there? And what happened? You look like a kid at Christmas" she said. My brain was working hard to figure out an excuse for why I suddenly looked so happy and came from there, "I was just in there alone thinking about everything that have happened to us and how lucky we are that's all" as I told her that my brain said to me 'this better work' but the look on Julia's face didn't change at all. Maybe she was on to Bri and me, maybe she knew he was in there with me but how could she? As I started walking away still with the biggest smile on my face she yelled after me "fine! I guess you won't mind me going in there and have look for myself then!" I knew that this could end badly if she saw Bri in there, she wouldn't be able to keep it a secret and soon everyone would know including Dyl and I didn't wanna hurt him. I had to be the one to tell him about it. Still I managed to turn around and yell back at her "fine with me! No one is in there!" I saw Julia walking closer to room and I hoped and prayed that she wouldn't find Bri in there. As I continued around the corner I heard singing from the room next door. If I already didn't have a big smile on my face I'm sure I would have smiled even more. As I walked in everyone else was singing and dancing around while waiting for the bus to be loaded and ready to go. I walked in and found a spot to sit at in one of the corners. Not long after I was joined by Dyl sitting down next to me as he said, "so that was fun huh?" I sent him a little smile as I nodded at him as a respond I took a deep breath I knew I had to tell at one point "look Dyl we need to..." I was cut off short by Lauren and Joey entering the room hand in hand, before I could get another word out I saw how Dyl slowly and carefully placed his hand on top of mine as he said, "I know, let's have this talk later okay?" I was confused. How could he know what had happened between Bri and me already? I took another deep breath to prepare myself for saying something but I never got the chance because just as I turned my head to look at Dyl, Julia entered the room clapping her hands as she said "alright everyone! Time to find our busses and get some sleep. We will be arriving in London tomorrow morning" as everyone got up so did Dyl, he stretched out his hand as he said "well come on" I took his hand and we both walked to the bus in complete silence.

Not long after the bus started to move everyone found their bunks and went to sleep. After a couple of hours the whole bus was in complete silence. I took a deep breath and moved closer to the curtain to pull it aside. As I carefully grabbed the curtain and started pulling it aside a pair of blue eyes I knew too well became visible. I could feel a smile spread across my face I realized the eyes belonged to Bri, the only person I wanted to see. Without a word I moved in my bunk so he could fit in next to me. As he found a spot to lie in, in the tiny bunk, a smile spread across his face as I placed my head on his chest and could hear his heartbeat. He placed a small kiss on top of my head as he said, "you have no idea how happy this makes me Mere" I could feel a smile spread on my face as I started to fall asleep to the calming sound of his heart beat. Not long after we felt the bus coming to a hold and shortly after all light were turned on as Julia's voice was heard "alright everybody get up! We need to go show our pass boards to these people so we can enter their land!" out of fear of getting cut I panicked and pushed Bri out of my bunk, shortly after a loud bang sounded, loud enough to awake the rest of the bus. As I laid there in my bunk giving it some time before I myself would come put of my bunk, "wow that was some fall there buddy" Joey said "yeah I uhm, I thought it would be the fastest way to get up" Bri said not long after "really? Let me try that, watch out" Joey said and shortly after another loud bang sounded, "yeah you're right the fastest but not the most comfortable tho" Joey said as the two boys started to laugh.

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