Burning the Midnight Oil

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  • Dedicated to BFF, Victoria

The soft breathing silences the time here,

With trembling snores, the blood will coil.

Everyone else is asleep, it is their fortune,

Unaware of the burning of midnight oil.

Yet all the ideas are there to be caught, 

They are free, moving and limits they lack.

Providing glimmers of hope for work to be done,

Knowingly accepting that you won't cut yourself slack.

Meanwhile, no one else will dare to intrude,

As they are happily bound in unknown lands.

Their dreams call no need for ideas,

Escaping, tasks are far away and out of their hands.

You will keep on working, and with no need to prove how,

The darkness and solitude can be a comforting friend.

The silence is soothing as you type and read away,

 Productive is the night to the very end.

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