Just a noob

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It all started one day when your besties recommended for you to play a strange game called Fortnite. After a couple of rounds with your friends they decided they were done for the night and you figured you would play a bit more to build up your skills since you were a 'noob' after all. You loaded into duos, and you found yourself randomly paired with THE Ninja. THE NINJA. You thought it was just a troll but then you heard a voice...HIS VOICE. You started awkwardly laughing through your mic. You've heard so many things about this famous streamer, whether it was at school, or family occasion, or hearing your little brother whine to your mom about how much he wants a "get that dub!" Ninja backpack for the upcoming school year, HE WAS EVERYWHERE. "Hello?" You said. "Hello, hi...lol" Tyler said. "Are you really Ninja?" You said awkwardly. "Uh...yah" Tyler said back. "Are you a fan?" Tyler asked. "Sorta, I mean... I'm new to the gaming world but I've heard about you a ton" You replied. "So you're a noob?! Eh I don't really mess around with noobs, man I don't know." Tyler replied back angrily. "I guess I could teach you a bit, though. Hopefully you aren't too stubborn." He replied back with a chuckle. "Eh, I know a little bit but you're the pro so lead the way." You replied back, also laughing a little bit. "Anyway, let's go Salty, okay?" Tyler said. You agreed a bit nervously since you knew Salty Springs was normally a pretty popular place for people to land but I mean, he's a pro right? You pushed your nerves aside and figured you should try your best to "get that dub!"

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