All Good Things Must Come To An End

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After the conflict in Salty Springs you and Ninja had been doing relatively pretty good. There was 15 players left and the circle was getting pretty small. Tyler had 11 kills and you had 3, you had been all over the map and you were thinking it's likely you'll place good. You almost felt sad that this game would be over soon since when you weren't fighting or doing something important you and Tyler were talking about regular human conversation type things. It almost felt like you were friends.

At this point you were in the vicinity of Pleasant Park and the circle was at Frenzy Farm. You had about a minute left to loot and such before you and Tyler would need to head that way. You both wrapped up what you both were doing and started heading that way.

"So do you have a job?" Tyler asked. "Eh, yeah... I'm a Starbucks barista, actually." You replied. "Oh really? So you know how to make drinks?" He asked. "Yeah I guess." You answered chuckling a bit. "You must have a pretty cool life... I mean, you being famous and all." You added. "Uhm I mean I guess, I'm grateful to be where I am, though. It's funny, all I really do is play games like a ton of other people, but somehow the universe chose me, I guess." Tyler said. "No I agree. You just like... rage and scream at 7 year olds all the time!" You said sarcastically. You both laughed as you entered Frenzy Farm.

As soon as you arrived, there was a build fight going on in the distance, it soon quieted down and you could see on the screen that a duo had been eliminated. There was only 8 players left including yourselves so that's a total of 6 enemy players remaining. "I think we should probably build up on the big barn over there so we can have the high ground." Tyler said, pinging the barn he was talking about on the map. You agreed and followed him towards the barn. As you were approaching the barn an enemy duo began to rush you from the side. You built a couple of walls to block the shots as Tyler built a wall and a ramp in order to fight back. Pretty soon Tyler had knocked someone while you were using a couple of mini shields, Tyler started to rush the duo and you followed behind. He eliminated the other member of the duo before you even got to him, but he had taken a few hits himself. Next thing you know ANOTHER duo started shooting at the both of you. You panicked and built a few walls in front of you and ran to the other side of the building where Ninja was. Tyler quickly healed up and started shooting from behind the wall you both were behind. You helped and was able to knock a player in the process, you followed Ninja as he was going to rush the enemies before they had a chance to revive their teammate. He was able to quickly finish off the remaining member of the duo as if it was nothing.

At this point there was only 2 enemy players left, which either meant it was 1 duo or 2 solo players. You had made it in the small circle surrounded by the storm on every side, you felt actually really confident that you might actually win this game. "I know this is kind of off-topic but what's your favorite animal?" Tyler asked you out of the blue. "Uhm...probably Minecraft cows." You responded in a funny voice. Before he even had time to respond to you he noticed an enemy player, "Over there, you see them?" Tyler asked. "Yeah." You replied. Tyler fired a couple of shots in their direction and hit them a couple of times. The player then ran inside a nearby building for cover.

Knowing the storm would be closing soon and the building the player was in was not in the circle we both knew they would have to come out eventually. "Stay here, I wanna go see if I can find the other guy." Tyler said before jumping out of our little mini fortress we had made. He built up some and pretty soon he had laid eyes on the other player. He sniped the other player and shot him a couple of times with his AR. "He's extremely low. The dude over there hasn't come out yet?" Tyler asked. "Nope, but he'll have to pretty soon." You replied. At this point the storm was already moving and he'd have to come out soon. You saw the player begin to run for shelter and it only took a few hits and he was gone. He was eliminated immediately which meant that it wasn't a duo but it was 2 solo players instead.

Now there was only one player left. You and Tyler had the high ground, you had a good chance of succeeding. "He's still over there; we could either rush or we could just wait." Tyler said. "I say we rush, I'm getting kind of impatient over here." You said with a laugh. "I like that idea." Tyler said also laughing. Tyler jumped down and you followed. He began running towards the building the last player was in. Tyler had seen the player through one of the windows and tried hitting him a few times with his shotgun, you joined in on the fight and started shooting at him with your SMG. It didn't take long for you to completely wipe out the last enemy player.

You had done it. You had won. Sure Ninja had totally carried you. But... YOU GOT PAIRED WITH NINJA AND WON. You started freaking out and Tyler started laughing at your screaming. "Ay good game, couldn't have won without you." Tyler said. You smiled... wanting to ask the famous streamer one more thing... "Hey, Ninja, before you go could know...say the know?" You said timidly. "What thing...oh yeah." He said nervously.

"WE GOT THAT DUB!" Ninja literally screamed at the top of his lungs.


Let's Get That Dub! (Tyler "Ninja" Blevins X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now