Gray Note: SO! In this one, your quirk is to send anyone to sleep! Please enjoy my lovely lilies :)
You woke up, well-rested as usual. Your quirk always succeeded in keeping insomnia away. You opened up your dorm's curtains. Tsu grumbled a bit as the sunshine hit her face.
"Ah! Tsu-chan! Why are you still asleep? You usually wake up as early as me!" You ask, worriedly.
"It's nothing, I guess." She says in her cute nasally voice as she finally gets up to stretch. Your eyes direct down to two little cards. One dark with a familiar scent of cologne and the other one light pink with a scent familiar to flower petals. You chuckled, already knowing who they were from.
"Are you building a harem?" You smile.
"O-Oh! No...I just don't know who to choose..." She groans.
"Follow your heart!" You assure.
"Easy for you to say, Y/N, you have your eyes on one person, you're already following your heart."
"O-Oh! Right, I totally forgot! Thank you for reminding me, Tsu!"
Tsu nods, smiling. Suddenly frowning as she looks back to the cards.
You jogged to the guy's dorms. Normally you wouldn't be able to be there, but you had special permission from the staff because of your everyday mission.
Sending the famous insomniac to sleep.
See, when you send someone to sleep, you have to wake them up. They won't wake up unless you wake them up. It applies to anyone besides you. Every night you use your quirk in your sleep as you lucid dream. Whenever you want to wake up, you just do so in your dream. Your wish you could do that with Shinsou because then awkward moments like this wouldn't happen...
You opened Shinsou's door with your keycard, seeing the sleeping Shinsou tucked into his bed sound asleep. You couldn't help but sneak by and admire his face. His eye bags had been less apparent since you've been helping him every day. His personality had remained the same, monotone way it was, but you wouldn't have it any other way. The alarm on your wristwatch sounded as you snapped back into reality, realizing it was time to wake him up. You prepared yourself, inching towards his face.
Do you know why you wish you could just wake him up in his dreams? Because of how you have to wake up people. It's the reason your hero name is Prince.
Your lips touched his, your face blushing red as you felt his eyelashes on your cheekbone. You retracted, watching him wake up. He grunted, wiggling out of the tuck you did for him every night.
"You tucked me in again. You don't have to do that." He said as he yawned.
"A-Ah. Um, sorry. It's an instinct now, haha..." You sheepishly said.
"Then I guess It can't be helped." He said, sitting up.
"I'll go no, hehe. See you in class!" You say, trotting off before you feel your wrist pull behind you.
You look behind your shoulder. A light blush on the boy's face.
"I can't feel your lips. You retracted too quickly."
Ah yes, the thing that made you fall in love in the first place. Shinsou had a deep appeal to kissing. To the point where he will be grumpy all day if he can't feel your lips when you wake him up in the morning. You didn't usually mind kissing, because it was a part of your quirk, but since you started helping him with his insomnia, you had started to become more aware of your kissing. You started to compare how it felt with kissing Shinsou to when your kissing an opponent. It's always different, which is why you get so flustered when you have to wake him up in the mornings.
"E-Eh? B-But...class..."
"...oh. I'm sorry. You're right." Shinsou said, monotone, as he let go of your wrist.
You looked at him, a disappointed look on his face, as you trotted away. Your heart beat fast, but deep down you were disappointed as well. Something you admired about Shinsou was that he never used his quirk to get what he wanted out of you. He was always very respectful when you didn't want to kiss him or if he had to wait for you to do something before you could send him to sleep. But you kind of wished he would take charge a little bit. You slapped your cheeks, getting the thought out of your head. Thoughts like that are why everyone thinks women are confusing. You couldn't help but agree a little, but you also couldn't help but think the same.
Back at class, Your teacher was calling on students at random.
"Shinsou, solve the equation."
The purple haired boy trudged to the front of the class to the black board and stared at it for 5 second before he wrote down an answer.
"Incorrect, fix it."
He sighed, looking back erasing a decimal and placing it somewhere else.
"Correct, you may sit down."
He walked back down the aisle, eyes facing the floor. You mentally cursed. If you weren't the flustered mess you were and just kissed him, he would be in a better mood. Shinsou was very smart and brilliant, so it was very apparent to everyone as to when he's in a bad mood...and why. Eyes darted over to you, narrowing. You just smiled as you paid attention to the classroom. The teacher locked eye contact with you, making the same face as the students. Shock surging through your spine as you stared at the black board and the smudged decimal that Shinsou tried to erase away.
You raised your hand, "E-Excuse me, Sensei...My stomach is aching, may I go to the nurses office?"
Shinsou's eyes looked up, a worried expression showing on his face
'He's not even trying to cover it up' the class thought in unison
"Yes, you may. Shinsou-" He was already standing, "R-Right...go ahead and take her to the nurses office."
The two of you walked down the hall quietly.
"Um...Shinsou, can we talk?"
He looked at you, awaiting you to speak.
" can't be all grumpy when I don't kiss you in the mornings!"
Shinsou tilted his head, realizing what you said, and then slightly chuckling.
"Y/N...I'm annoyed today because you didn't kiss me again this morning." He said with a grin.
"W-Wait...what?!" Your face heated up, blushing heavily.
"In truth, I was kind of lying this morning. I felt your kiss, I was just being a little greedy. I'm annoyed because Denki was lecturing me over-"
You looked at him confused.
"Well, it doesn't matter now."
You frowned, "H-Hey! I embarrassed myself for the class's, and your, sake! I at least deserve an explanation.
He looked away and sighed, "Denki said I was missing my chance to...well...make a move on you."
You swore your face could light up a small solar panel farm, your blush was so bright.
"He's not wrong though."
You looked back up.
"I guess it's just hard to make a move when the person you like is your Prince Charming every morning, huh?"
And like that, you fell for him all over again.

BNHA x Reader Oneshots
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