Always and Forever

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AN: I know Freya isn't actually introduced till later in the show but its my story so i have all creative rights

Tuesday 18th August 2020

Hayley's pov

"Hush little baby don't say a word. mama's gonna buy you a mocking bird, And if that mocking bird don't sing mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring".

I Stop singing when I notice my daughter was snoring softly into the now quiet room. I lay her in her cot, I press a kiss to her forehead and whisper "I love you to the moon and back my sweet girl, Always and forever"

I quietly leave her room and enter into the living room which is kinda ironic since all of the people were dead "She's asleep" I say turning to face the others "how is my littlest wolf?" Klaus asks me "she's good, I think she's starting to teeth" I say, I see Klaus smiling softly.

I yawn only just realising how tired I actually am "um, I'm going to go to bed because Hope has a doctors appointment if you want to come with me Klaus you have to be ready by 07:30 am" I remind him before I go upstairs.

I change into a pair of shorts and a tank top before I go and climb into bed. As soon as my head hits the pillows I am out cold.

Klaus's pov

"how is my littlest wolf?" I ask Hayley "she's good, I think she's starting to teeth" says Hayley she then reminds me about Hope's doctor appointment before heading up stairs.

I turn to face my siblings " I'm going to head to bed so i can go with Hayley to take Hope to the doctors" I say. As I make my way into my room I stop outside Hayley's room and peer in at her and see that she is already flat out "goodnight little wolf, I love you" I say whispering the last bit.

The next day...

Hayley's pov

My alarm wakes me up and I groan before rolling out of bed. I go downstairs and prepare Hope's bottle before going to wake up Hope. When I walk into her room I greet her "Hey sweet girl" she was lay in her cot muttering gibberish into the room. I grab her out of her bed her face has a huge smile on her face, I smile back.

I carry Hope to the living room where I sit with her in the rocking chair and started feeding her the milk.

Klaus's pov

I get out of bed and make my way to find Hayley and Hope sat in the rocking chair. I walk in their direction and place a kiss on Hope's head " Morning Little Wolf, Littlest Wolf. Have you had anything eat yet?" I ask, she shakes her head so I go into the kitchen to make her a cup of coffee and some toast.

I make my way to Hayley and give her the food but she motions towards Hope "I'll get Hope ready, you just focus on eating" I say while grabbing Hope who was making "grabby" motions towards me.

I pick her out of Hayley's arms and lift her above my head making her giggle.

I take her to the changing table and threw a dress on her as well as changing her nappy then I clip her dummy to her cardigan "what a beautiful little princess" I coo at her.

At the doctors...

" Hope Mikaelson"

Hayley's pov

"Hello I am doctor Cane I'm going to assume that you, lovely lady are Hayley and you are Klaus" I felt his miserable attempt at flirting with me "yes that is true, this is my husband Niklaus and our daughter Hope"

Freya's pov

I lay in bed with my family's mantra running through my head on a loop, Always and forever. If that promise was so important, why do I always feel alone.

Maybe i'm just missing Keelin or maybe It's something else.

I decide to visit a well know witch, Sophie Deveraux. I walk into the graveyard when a shiver runs down my spine. I've never liked graveyards.

"Hello anyone here?" i ask when i enter the little cove area "Freya, right" I nod "yes that's me, I'm looking for Sophie Deveraux, is she here?" I ask "Sophie isn't here right now" I pause trying to think of a response "okay, do you know where i can find her?" I question "yeah um, I think she went to talk to Marcel" she replies, I thank her and go on my way.

I knock on Marcels apartment but yell " Marcel it's Freya, is Sophie here? I need her help" so he knows who it is. The door opens and it isn't Marcel who answered the door it was Sophie "if you've come here to hurt me don't bother" she replies in a narky tone "actually I was wondering if you could help me I think something is wrong but I don't know what".

Hayley's pov

"So..." Klaus trails off "spit it out" I say, hating the fact that he's stalling "I'm your husband huh?" Klaus says with a smirk "that was only to get that guy from flirting with me" I say although I know that's not the reason "I was kidding little wolf" Klaus says in a dismissive tone.

I buckle Hope into her car seat and lay her blanket over her sleeping form. Klaus slides into the passenger seat " want to take Hope home or what?" I ask " let's take her home so my littlest wolf can sleep of her doctors appointment" Klaus says agreeing with the first option.

Klaus pov

As Hayley pulls up to the house I ask a question " can I put Hope down for her nap?" she smiles "yeah of course, she's your daughter too" Hayley states before kissing Hope's forehead.

I take her upstairs but she starts fussing slightly so I rock her in the rocking chair "shh now my princess, every king needs an heir and you are my daughter, my heir. You've helped me feel something that i never thought was possible. Unconditional love." I whisper " you are strong and I love you my littlest wolf" I place a kiss on her head and tuck her into the cot.

So while we are here i just want to say that all of this has been wrote by hand over a few days and copied down. i wrote this about 10 days until the end of my quarantine of school so i will read comments. I'm gonna start posting this and hope i don't get behind on the updates but I've got 3 chapters pre written so I'm gonna try post every day or every other day.

@kelseybinning This is what I was trying to get you to read but your to lazy

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