Three years

83 1 0

Sunday 23rd August 2020

Hope's pov

"Hope Andrea Mikaelson, get back here your not allowed to run around naked" my mother screamed chasing after me. " Never catch me mama" I babble while running as fast as my chubby toddler legs will allow.

Hayley's pov

I run after my daughter who was currently running through the hallway butt naked. I almost catch up to her when she slipped and started wailing, I run to her and scoop her into my arms "Little one, what did I tell you" I say knowing I warned her "I sowwy mama" Hope says with a pout and tears welled up in her eyes.

I convince Hope to put a nappy on at least so I took her to lay in my bed with me and I put Peppa Pig on while I read my book. I am so in my book that I had a shock when Hope taps my shoulder "I wear mama shirt pwease" Hope asks me, I nod and go to my closet and grab a warm T- shirt before pulling it over her head and tucking her in the other side of the bed.

Klaus's pov

Two years, how has it been two years since I've seen my littlest wolf. Hayley occasionally sends me pictures of Hope asleep in her bed but she also writes to me telling me how hope has been since i abruptly got up and left, It's not like i want to but I have lots of enemies and young, old, dead or alive, witches are a pain in the ass.

It's best if I'm not around anyways, I would rather her hate me - that is if she doesn't already - then be like I am ; a monster, the great evil but worse of all, A dead beat parent. I know that If I'm around her I'm just going to corrupt her and Hayley. They wouldn't want me back, I don't even want me right now.

Freya's pov

I wake up next to my beautiful fiancé and shake her slightly "Hun, wake up" I whisper in her ear "five more minuets" Keelin says swatting my hand of her "please wake up, I get to meet my niece today" I all but beg "fine, but I'm getting extra cuddles later" she says climbing out of bed.

I walk into the place i remember from a lifetime ago, I hear a small set of footsteps running and then a high pitch voice "Mama stwanger danger!" the young child yelled "Hope? where are you baby?" A woman's voice yells from another room "Hello sweetheart can i talk to your mummy?" I ask the toddler who had piercing light blue eyes, she's definitely Klaus's kid "MAMA!!!" She screams "yes Hope" That same woman from before says "stwangers want to talk to you" she says babbling while holding her hands up to her mum "Hey, your Hayley right? I'm Freya Mikaelson. Klaus's sister and this is my Fiancé Keelin" I say introuducing myself and Keelin "oh hello, Hope say hello" Hayley says and Hope looks up at me her childish features forming a small smile " Hewo I Hope" she says in a shy tone " Hey darlin' I'm your auntie Freya I'm your daddy's sister" I say to her crouching to her height, what she did next surprised all of us but was hugely appreciated. Hope chucks her arms around my neck and wraps her legs around my waist " hewo auntie Fweya hewo Kewin" the way the young child in my arms pronounced the words made me smile " Hey baby girl" she is almost like the child i never had.

"so how did you find out you had a niece in the first place?" Hayley asks as we sat on the sofa, Hope curled on my lap with a dummy in her mouth and a blanket placed over her "Klaus called and only just realised that we had no idea about Hope when he asked how she was and we had no idea who he was talking about" I reply "oh wow, um how long have you guys been engaged?" she says in shock. I smile at the question "Well it started as a normal day..."

Flash back

Keelin sat on the patio of our house looking onwards to the lake when i come up behind her "Keelin i have a very important question that has being weighing on my mind for a few months now" I say my nerves on a haywire and as she turns to face me they dull slightly " I met you a year ago and we started as friends not knowing what we would become later on, you make me laugh and smile and I can't imagine spending the rest of my very long life without you, so would you please do me the honour of one day being my wife" I say as I slowly get on one knee "Keelin, will you marry me?" I was sweating buckets from how nervous i am "Yes" Keelin says with tears running down her face "really?" I ask my face becoming hopeful "yes, completely yes" she says while pulling my face to hers "I love you" I say closing the final gap and pressing my lips to my now Fiancé.

End of Flash back

"so that's how i proposed" I say finishing the story "wow that's so beautiful" Hayley says smiling at us, we smile back.

Hayley's pov

A small yawn escapes the mouth of my daughter who seems to have woken from her nap "hello sweet girl" I say to Hope who was lay on her aunt's lap "Mama I hungwy" Hope says with a pout while holding her stomach "Okay hun do you want your aunties to stay for dinner?" I ask her but then look towards Freya and Keelin for confirmation that they can stay, they nod and Hope's eyes light up at that and she starts bouncing up and down out of excitement, then i smell something "oh hun have you messed your nappy? do you need to be changed?" I ask she nods and tucks her head into Freya's chest which i found adorable. "Okay, how about I change you and then I'll make some mac and cheese" I say when i get a small okay i grab Hope's hand and take her upstairs...

And thats the end of this story also just wanted to say that these are pre written before any are posted so i will post ever day until the book Is all out.

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