Who win

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👑🐙: This is who win!

✨🐍: We hope u like it!

{Starting where we left}

Mal: C'mon, Mae lets go!

Mae: Ok...bye twins!

Both: Bye Mae!

Harry: Ulyssa & Henry c'mon, we're leaving...

Both: Ok...

*Later w/h the Sea 5*

Melody: Harry, we got ur text message what happened?

Harry: The twins got in trouble in school...

Uma: What!?!

Twins: *looks down at the ground* ...🥺😭

Melody: Wait, what happened?

Ally: U all know Mother Gothel's daughter?

All but Harry & Ally: Yeah...

Melody: Oh no, why did u 2 fight her?

Henry: She kicked ginger in the mud but Jackson helped her up while Ivy helped her change clothes...

Gil: Ginger, r u ok?

Ginger: Yeah, dad I'm fine...

Ally: C'mon, let's get all the mud off ur face...

Ginger: *nods her head & turns around then hugs the hook twins* ...😌🥰

Twins: *their eyes widened & hugs her back* ...😌🥰

Ginger: Thx for standing up for me!

Twins: Ur welcome!

Ginger: *smiles & waves "bye"* ...🥰

*Later w/h Melody, Uma, & Harry*

Melody: So, what's their punishment?

Harry: They get week of dentition...

Uma: Omg...

Melody: Ok, well I'll help Henry & Ulyssa get ready for bed...

Harry: Alright, see ya Melody!

Melody: Bye Harry & Uma!

Both: Bye Melody!


Harry: Cap'n, what's wrong?

Uma: Nothing's wrong...

Harry: Really, I'm not dumb Uma...

Uma: Ok, fine I'll tell u when Gil got hurt we helped him then our parents were mad at us when u & I got into an fight. So...I-I'm...

Harry: U're what?

Uma: I'M SCARED!?!

Harry: Uma...

Uma: *tears falls down her face* ...I'M SCARED THAT I'D TURNED INTO MY MOTHER & TURN EVIL AGAIN!?!

Harry: *walks towards his wife & holds her tightly* ...Uma, take an deep breathe.

Uma: *hug him tightly & cries* ...🥺😭😖

Harry: Shh...it's alright u won't turn evil & u won't turn or be like ur mother...

Uma: How do u know it won't happen...

Harry: Cause, I know u more than u think...ok.

Uma: Ok...thx.

Harry: ...U wanna know who won don't u?

Uma: Yeah, kinda of...

Harry: *rolls his eyes & groans* Why did I marry u again?

Uma: Oh, I'm sorry what happen to "I love u"?

Harry: Hey, I said that when we were dating.

Uma: I know but u still love me whether we get an divorce or not. C'mon, just tell me who win.

Harry: *sighs* Mae & the twins won!

Uma: They may be in trouble but they do get to celebrate!

*Later w/h Melody & the twins*

Melody: And there, u're all tucked in...goodnight.

Ulyssa: Aunt Melody...

Melody: Yes...

Ulyssa: Was our mom evil before she married daddy?

Melody: Well, u're gonna u have to ask her 'bout the rest I only an little bit...

Henry: Can u tell what u know?

Melody: Maybe, next time...

Both: Plz...

Melody: Sorry, but maybe next time *yawns & rubs her eyes* Besides, I'm really tired.

Both: Aww, ok...🥺🥺

Melody: Goodnight, twins!

Both: Night, Aunt Melody!

🔮💶[Celia]: We hope u all enjoyed it!

🗡☠️: Comment below what will happen.

🥥🌊: Well see ya time!

👑🐙: We love u all!

All: Bye!!!

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