Authors note + Introduction

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Hello! It is i, @Indigo_Cohen. The Co-writer of the three continents and the Co-manager of this account! You may be wondering why its just me, since this is a shared account. Well, this account is dedicated to wings of fire, and its (sadly) more popular than my main, so people are more likely to find this who are here for wings of fire.

Now, you might be asking, 'whats the point of this? Don't you have more important things to work on, like you're main story? It hasn't updated in a while.' Well, I apologize for that. I have been very lazy in communicating with the The Co-runner of this account, Myth57. We haven't been speaking much and we both kind of drifted away. Also, I lost interest in wings of fire for a bit and in wattpad as well, since one of my friends on here and I are taking a break from each other. They were my main reason for staying here. I'm also a fandom hopper, which can make it difficult to write fanfiction because we jump from fandom to fandom and lose interest in our stories.

Now, WHY am I writing this? Well its because this is here to keep you entertained while you all are waiting for an update or if Myth is busy or away on a trip or something like that. Since for short stories it's a lot less harder to update since it doesn't have a big elaborate plot, and its short sometimes. This also is sort of my 'creative outlet.' Also I want to make the main fanfic the best it can be and please you dear readers! I am not a very experienced writer, so this can help me out!

Also this is here to keep my interest in wings of fire. I don't wanna hop fandoms again and abandon the story, so this is here to keep me interested in wings of fire, and be able to do other things as well. I've gotten a schedule, but I am very horrible at following it so maybe this can help me follow it. 

And, during these tough times of 2020 while the world is on fire, this can help some people keep their mind off that! Also with wattpad's um... security problems i wanna be able to make some people feel better with these stories.

Now, that's enough ramble of why I myself am making this book. Let me explain it Story wise!

This is a short stories book for Wings of fire. There will not be any canon characters on it. Only my ocs. I say this because I don't really feel super comfortable writing canon characters. But since this book is about me improving, i might make one have a cameo or secondary role somewhat. Anyways, will i let you guys request you're oc's to be put in these stories? Probably not. I might have them appear or have a short story dedicated to them based on certain wings of fire events. Like the release of the new book, or the release of a new graphic novel, or an anniversary of some sort. Or a fictional birthday of a main character. or a wings of fire event. IDK, maybe in the future.

Also, i can do short story tropes more than once with different characters, but it depends on the AU. For instance, soulmate AU has many different possibilities. Like, writing something on you appears on you're soulmate, if you get hurt you're soulmate does to, or you can feel what the other is feeling, or you can read you're soulmates mind, or even the very popular idea of the red string connecting soulmates. Where a Sharing A Bed trope is basically the same format most of the time.

Also each short stories can have continued parts. There can be up to 15 continuations of it. The max is 15, though. So once i hit fifteen for a certain story, don't ask for more. But i will do a trope more than fifteen times, but with different scenarios and characters.

Now there will be certain tropes that you can request for me to write, or i might write them myself if i feel like it. I've been feeling a need to write, and this account isn't very popular and we don't get comments, so mostly its gonna be the latter. Let me tell you what you can request. (also i don't mind you suggesting another trope that isn't on this list, but it can't be sexual.)


Unrequited Love
Mutual pining
Soulmate AU
Amnesia Fic
Coffee Shop AU
College AU
Arranged Marriage
Fake Relationship
Huddle For Warmth
Enemies To Lovers
Established Relationship
Fairytale AU
Major Character Death
Dark Fic
Baby Fic
First Kiss
Hurt Comfort
Historical AU
Royalty AU
Time Loop
Unhappy Ending
Sharing A Bed
High School AU
Friends To Lovers
Magic AU

Now, just to let you all know, i will not, repeat, WILL NOT, take any porn suggestions. This account is meant to be 12+ At best. This is because of the violence that can come from our main fic and this fic.

It should be well known that me and myth both WILL NOT write smut and ignore the requests to do so. But in case anyone is new here, i will say it for you all. We are not here to satisfy  hormones. Do that somewhere else.

I also do not want any non-consensual things going on here. while the arranged marriage is normally non-con, i will only have the characters agree to it. And this includes:

No Non consensual Kissing
No Non consensual Cuddling
No Non consensual 'Love'
No Non consensual relationship

With that out of the way, please enjoy this book! Updates will be inconsistent, so just to let ya'll know. Thank you for taking the time to read this all if you did.

And please, comment suggestions or what you think of certain chapters. Views does nothing to let writers know what you think. Comments and Votes, do, so please, Show you're appreciation for our fics if you have any, and let us know how you feel.

Sending good vibes you're way,

Writer Indigo is Out~

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