Moxxi and the Mech Driver

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Moxxi and the Mech Driver

Fl4k would never admit it. But they're pack had grown restless. Each passing day was worse then the last as his pets wished for the hunt as much as them. Unfortunately for them all there was no mission as hand. They're has not been for weeks. Everything quiet for now. Giving their pets room to run and play in the cargo bay he rested sitting on the top of a bin with his hands resting on his thighs. Mr. Chew chasing the critters hiding in the corners while Broodless and Meat Thief chased each other in circles, growing bored and sniffing everything before once more running in endless circles.
This was no outside, but it was better then couping them inside the small room. They had noticed they were growing resentful of the crowded space, until it was nap time as they could pile up in one corner they were running around causing mischief to the other crew members.

Broodless grew tired and began to bash her head into the hard metal flooring. Fl4k often took this as her way of affection, or her way of aggression. They could not tell the difference between the two emotions.

"A strong girl you've become." They called to her and she let out a confident purr before sprawling onto the ground and resting a moment.
Mr.  Chew on the other hand had come back from his mighty hunt, a small creature in his mouth dropped at his feet. The body almost unidentifiable after being chewed up. Happy with his prize Mr. Chew pounded in a small circle before running off once more.
Meat Thief was simply grooming himself in the corner by the stairs.

Hearing footsteps decending down the steps Meat Thief quickly looked moving out of the way.
It was Mose. Making her way to her Mech as she did every morning. Seeing the spread of the pack she looked too tired to care much for conversation. Come to think of it Fl4k only now realized it was the morning for humans. Mose always up bright and early before the rest to work on her Mech.

"Am I intruding in your space Mose?" They asked peering at her from where he sat. At first she didn't answer, simply dropping her tool box on the ground and stretching.

"Nah you're good. Just...keep em over there?" She asked. Fl4k gave her a nod and she began to work. By this time Broodless had worn herself to the point a short nap was in order and she was sleeping soundly on the ground with Mr. Chew sniffing her as she dozed. Meat Thief was no longer in sight, causing Fl4k to look around the room in search for the beast.

"Gah! Fl4k!" The irritated voice of Mose filled the room and they're gaze followed over to the sight of Meat Thief climbing the Mech.

"Get down from there boy." They waved they're hand and soon enough he jumped from the side back down to the floor to the Beast masters side. Climbing onto their shoulders instead. Forcing them to lean forward from the weight.
Noticing Mose in her state of frustration Fl4k let out an almost humming sound.

"You seem as if you have something on your mind." Be spoke to her.

"Not now Fl4k." She pushed his offer to talk away rather quickly. Humans were rather strange. They're emotions confusing. If there was a problem why not solve it? Why dwell?
Going quiet the robot kept their eye on Mose as she worked. She could obviously see them staring and did her best to ignore it. Their bright green eye hard to miss pointing right at you.

"Promise not to tell?" Suddenly willing to tell Fl4k assumed it was her desperately trying to find a way to express her said emotions. Even if she was resistant to such a thing.

"Promise." His curiosity peaked.

Placing down her tools she leaned against the Mech folding her arms. Seeming lost in thought for a moment.

"I can't sleep." Her tone soft. Almost sad. "I've been going to the bar every night to see Roxxi, god that woman's something." She smiled looking at the ceiling.
The smile soon faded though as she cleared her throat. "But she recently seems busy, like I'm nothing. For some stupid reason I thought we had something big it seems it's all some game to her."

Fl4k didn't quite understand. Once again trying to put together the information in a way that made sense to him. "Is it not normal for bartenders to help multiple people?" His question almost making Mose laugh but she knew it could possibly turn into a cry as her chest felt heavy. Instead using it to educate the poor hopeless robot.

"No, it's more like-" She stopped herself unable to find the right words. Not without making it worse.

"We were more then friends." She perked content with this. Looking over to see Fl4k still staring in the same position.

"I believe that is the term you humans use to describe having a mate." They tilted their head and Mose nodded.

"You could say that." A smile crossed her face. Being mates with Moxxi, the idea almost charming.

"But as Zane world put it, friends with benefits." Their words cutting off her train of thought.

"No it's not like that." She quickly spoke. "It was more!" She didn't notice her own voice raising until Broodless squirmed on the ground waking up.

"I do not understand humans but I do understand your ways of life and from my own previous meetings with Moxxi I can assure you no one would be surprised if she were to put her interest on many." They put the words together carefully.

"She's just flirty is all, not some whore." Quick to defend Roxxi Mose let out a rough sigh. "It's like if Broodless were to suddenly only listen to me. You would be hurt and confused no?" Her question processing in their mind.

"She often get nervous when away from me and pukes until she grows exhausted and sleeps. I do not think she would run off very long." They spoke logically.

"But if she did and was fine would you be okay with another taking care of her?" She pushed the question.

"No. I would kill them quickly and feed their parts to my Skag. I am the Alpha of this pack, and should that be challenged it will not end well." Their tone an almost direct threat. They didn't like the idea of losing a pet, let alone to someone else.

"Exactly!" Mose pushed aside the strange answer and got to her own point. "I want to do that but to anyone who speaks to Moxxi." She waved her arms up quickly.

"I shall ask her about this issue." Fl4k stood up causing Meat Thief to drop from their shoulders down to the floor. Broodless waking up quickly on her feet to the next exciting adventure. Mr. Chew bouncing around once more.

"Woah, hold on." Mose quickly raced to stand in front of the much taller and much more full force figure in front of her. "You promised!" She brought up the former deal.

"I will keep it discreet." Their words not reassuring but Mose already knew she was screwed the moment they decided to get up. They're always one for the hunt, no matter if it involves death or not they were simply desperately in need of an activity. A goal.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2020 ⏰

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