4. Cotton Candy Clouds

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DINNER WAS AN uncomfortable affair for the Cheung family and Cassian as well. Mrs Cheung had ordered the cook to steam a fish and prepare an array of Chinese dishes for dinner, but she also prepared an array of questions for both Cassian and Fletcher.

Fletcher was worried that Cassian's mortal persona would fail him, but it appeared that he was well prepared in answering extensive questions regarding everything from his university major and whether he had tattoos or not.

"My daughter doesn't bring a lot of boys home to us," Mrs Cheung said as they finished dinner. "But I can see why you're here with us — you're one of our favourite friends of Fletcher's since Rishan."

"Oh," Mrs Cheung stilled, eyeing her daughter. "Fletcher—"

Fletcher stiffened beside Cassian.

Cassian feigned naivety, pressing on. "Rishan? I don't think I've heard about him."

"Really?" Mr Cheung perked up from his daydream. "He was pretty famous."

Fred tried to kick his father in the shin but ended up hitting Cassian instead.

"What do you mean 'was'?"

"Drug overdose." Fletcher snapped, slamming her ceramic chopsticks on the glass table, the impact creating a loud clang. She stood from the table, looking at her mother with a murderous glint in her eyes.

"Fletcher—" Cassian began as she turned and walked away, making her look back.

"Shit was happening in Rishan's family, and he tried to cope by drinking and doing drugs," Fletcher said, wringing hands in an attempt to stay composed. "One night a few months ago, he thought he'd try to do both at once."

Her voice cracked, but she was determined to finish what she was going to say. "Rishan went into a coma and died a few hours later."

"Excuse me," Fletcher said, walking off once more.

"I shouldn't have mentioned him; it's a sore subject for us all, especially Fletcher." Mrs Cheung said with a sigh, just as Fletcher's door slammed upstairs.

"Rishan is kinda the reason why Fletcher gave up on everything," Fred said. "At least, that's the excuse she uses."

Cassian nodded in understanding. "She doesn't seem like the type to let a boy's actions dictate her whole life, though."

"That's usually the case, but this is a death we're talking about, not teenage angst." Mr Cheung said with a hint of disgust at Cassian's comment. "After Rishan's death, Fletcher just fell apart."

"Yes, sir, I understand," Cassian said. After a moment of silence, he added, "Should I go up and check on her?"

"No," both Mrs Cheung and Fred said at the same time.

"She's best left alone," Mrs Cheung said. "I'd be better if you left, we're sorry about how today ended."

Cassian nodded. "It's okay, Mrs Cheung. I enjoyed meeting all of you."

Cassian left the apartment, only for him to realise that he simply can't leave without making sure that Fletcher was alright. He materialised into Fletcher's room, completely disregarding the fact that she might not want to see anyone, let alone him.

FLETCHER HADN'T THOUGHT about Rishan for months. When the first memory of him came back to her at the dinner table, the rest came in like a tsunami, one wave after another, drowning her in her past.

Rishan, playing with Fletcher's hair as they laid on his bed, just cuddling. Rishan, spitting out his saké on Fletcher's dress after drinking for the first time. Rishan, laughing at a joke he made, his smile so bright it hurt her eyes. Rishan, Rishan, Rishan.

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