Craig x mute tweek(not really)

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Hey guys its me again welp that all i gotta say so here a oneshot and let just go right in the story and im so sorry about the other idk if  imma remake or what lets just get on with this
Craig's pov
Me and tweek have been dating for 7 months i know his mute and at all but  sometimes i want to hear his for voice i know why his mute because his last boyfriend was a abusive one and ended getting him mute I won't lie but I'm definitely not telling tweek when he told me his past i got pretty mad and ended up searching for this just to get what he deserves but i did lied to him cuz i don't want him to be upset that I didn't listen to or anything.

Anyway we are currently in tweek's room laying there and using our phone to distract ourselves, his parents are still working and won't be coming home tomorrow morning.

Tweek's pov
Im not really mute if im gonna be honest I didn't like to talk anymore after my tragedy with my last boyfriend(insert kind of name cuz yeah) and how it infected until now.

Im using phone to distract me from the guilt im feeling cuz yeah im currently dating craig but he doesn't know about that I actually talk but didn't want to, i know i should but i can help to feel disgusted for myself not only because i like guys and im spaz but i feel like he was right about me being useless ,my voice is awful and other mean this his said to me but i can't  disagree that his not right but that was in the past now.

Craig is different his treats as a wonderful person and he didn't bully or say means stuff he cares about my healthy and many more i this rate i don't think i deserve craig if im just gonna lie to him me being mute might as well break up with him feeling so disgrace about myself for not letting craig im such a coward.

No i told myself i tell him no more keeping secrets from hin if i want to stay with this relationship with him i need to be honest with him.

I sat up from my comfortable position in bed and tap his shoulder, his looks up to look at me and his sat up as well.

What's up babe? He asked i sighed i want to tell you something, ok im listening
*after he talk to craig and explain to him everything(im lazy to type)*

Its ok if you want to break up i understand i look down at my lap I didn't want to look up at him and except him to break up with me for not trusting him enough. But the next thing wasn't excepted he hugged and told me it was all right and that he wouldn't break with me.

I slowly hug back amd cry on to his shoulder,after a few minutes have past i finish crying and broke the hug to look and said thank you and being the best boyfriend i can have, he leans and i did as well once our lips attach to one other i broke the kiss after a minute or so to breath we lay back down comfortably on my bed and slowy drifted to sleep
I have not saying except thank for the support amd i love you gave me guys i hope guys have fun and stay safe baiii

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