Chapter 18

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Prince D and Branch ran as fast as they could to Volcano Rock City. Once they made it, they saw King Quincy, Queen Essence, and Trollex running away from the volcanoes. The monarchs saw the two boys and yelled, "The volcanoes are erupting!"

Prince D asked, "Where's Barb and Poppy?" Quincy said, "They stayed behind to inspect something we saw back there." Trollex added, "I hope they hurry, because the volcanoes are about to erupt!" He pointed at the volcanoes.

Suddenly, they saw Queen Barb running towards them. Branch shouted, "Look! There's Barb!" They didn't see Poppy behind her. When she got close enough to hear him, Branch immediately asked, "Where's Poppy?!" Barb finally got to them, and she said, "Poppy..... Wasn't behind me." She was panting. Branch got frantic and started to run towards the volcano, but Barb and Trollex held him back. He shouted, "We need to go get her, we need to find her!" Quincy said, "If we go, we'll get caught in the eruption."

Suddenly, they saw the red-orange lava pouring out of the volcanoes. They gasped. Barb said, "If Poppy's still over there, then..." Branch screamed, "Noo!" He had to be held back by Quincy too now. Queen Essence said, "We have to wait until it stops, and then we could see if she made it. Until then, we just have to pray."

After a bit, the lava stopped spilling out. Branch had been pacing back and forth. He didn't notice that the volcano had calmed down until Barb tapped him on the shoulder. "Dude," she said, "We can go check it out now." He whipped his head around to face the volcano. He then started sprinting towards the volcano with Essence, Quincy, Trollex, and Barb behind him.

When they reached the magma filled mountains, Barb pointed at the largest one and said, "That's the one we were at last." The all ran to where they figured Poppy had been.

They teamed up and searched the area. They looked behind trees, rocks, and on the other side of the volcano. They also searched the small forest that was next to the City, thinking she might have ran there. There was no sigh yet.

Branch hesitated to give up, but after a while, he decided to just stop searching. King TrOlLeX, King Quincy, and Queen Essence soon joined him. They sighed, all disappointed. Then they heard Barb shout, "Guys! I found something!" They perked up and ran to her.

"Right here!" Barb said. She was brushing ash and dust off of something. They helped her, and soon enough, they had uncovered an unconscious Poppy.

Branch was in the verge of tears. Trollex asked, "Is she breathing?" Barb checked. She gasped softly. "No," she whispered. Branch couldn't hold it back anymore. The tears were rolling down his cheeks. "No... She can't be gone... No..."

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