Chapter Eight

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(April, 1536)

Madeleine smiled and nodded as Princess Elizabeth recited the list of words she was given. At two she was showing exceptional intelligence. She was very curious, she always wanted to know what things did and why.

 "When I play with Alex and Alli?" Elizabeth asks.

"Once you count to five." Madeleine replies.

Elizabeth loudly counted to five without any help. Madeleine praises her then tells her to come along so they can get Madeleine's children. They went into the nursery, they found James playing with the twins.

"James! When did you return?" Madeleine exclaims, running to him.

"Just a few minutes along, mon bijou." James replies, hugging and kissing her.

"Tu m'as manqué." Madeleine whispers.

James smiles and hugs her again.

Elizabeth walks over to the twins and starts to play with them. James takes a seat at the table and pulls Madeleine towards him. They watch the children play with happy smiles.

"J'aimerais que Marie puisse voir ça." Madeleine says, quietly.

Mary left Hatfield a few months ago, when her dear mother died. She was constantly ill during her time at Hatfield. Madeleine felt horrible for her and did what she could to comfort her.

"Je connais." James replies, rubbing her arm.

They both wanted to help Mary, but they couldn't. It was out of their power to help her. She had to submit to her father in order to help herself and make her situation better.

Later that night after Madeleine put the children to bed James told her that they had to have a serious conversation.

"James, what is it?" Madeleine asks.

"We need to start protecting ourselves. Things are starting to fall apart at court." James says.

"What do you mean?

"There are rumors swirling about her majesty." James says.

"What about her majesty? James I need more information. I need to know." Madeleine questions.

"I do not know. All I know is that Henry is inquiring about her. I think he wants her gone or out of the picture." James whispers.

"Why? Why would he want her gone?"

"Why do you think? What has she failed in her duty as a wife and Queen?" James questions.

Madeleine took a second to think, then it hit her. Anne failed in her duty as a wife and as a Queen by not giving birth to a male child. Anne miscarried a male child but that was the closest she ever got to having a son.

"His majesty cannot get rid of her for that fact!" Madeleine exclaims

"He can. He is the king of England and head of the Church of England. He can do whatever he wants." James replies.

Madeleine sighs angrily, knowing he is right. Ever since he broke from Rome, he has made all his own religious decisions. He could grant his own divorce if he wanted.

"Damn him and his stupid church!" Madeleine grumbles.

"There is nothing we can do. Just forget about it and move on." James says, rubbing her shoulders.

James leads her to their bed and pulls her into the bed. Madeleine lays her head on his chest and he begins to rub her back. She lets all her thoughts take over her mind. She couldn't get out the fact that Henry wanted Anne gone over something so stupid. He did the same thing to Catherine and it has destroyed Mary. It will destroy Elizabeth too.

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