Chapter 20

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Sofia pov

Grams have been staying with us for approximately one week as my parents are abroad. We helped her to pristine the house and to remove the obsolete from the store and at each little thing she would see, she would narrate to us the deep stories of the object. However, she feels there are sentiments attached to them, it was as if she sees the story through her eyes while touching them, or else how would it be possible to remember thousands of stories of different objects!

I always knew she could sense the bad and the good in someone, to which I decided to talk to her about the curse, she might have an idea about it and maybe she could be the one helping me out, I only had to boost my courage.

After my dramatic summer was over, I headed back to college in the hope to concentrate more on my classes and be more vigilant about what was happening around me. I hop out of the car when I notice Zoe. I smiled at her, but she looks away. I checked my phone when I notice what message to say he wasn't feeling well. 'A day without him' I sigh. Usually, I used to be the one waking him up, but it slips out of my mind, although, I hated it when it comes to my journey without him as whenever he is around, am getting to stay cheerful.

As I just had a new haircut and changed my shade to light brown in summer, everyone couldn't stop leaving me compliments, I even dressed up classier than I used to as it was the first day of the campus and it was like a tradition to me but at my surprise, I wasn't expecting max leaving me a flirty compliment about how gorgeous I was looking.

Max and I are bound into a friend relationship due to Wyatt

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Max and I are bound into a friend relationship due to Wyatt. And when I needed to know about Wyatt's likes and dislikes, we were texting and crack jokes together. I always respect him as his friend, although I know how flirty he was. While we were in GP class, I heard a beep on my phone. Hoping it was wet, but at my stupefy turns out to be max. Why would he text me when we are in the same class, I give a wonder?

I open the text as I read 'Your hair's distracting my eyes, I would be playing with them when I get the chance to' not believing if he's trying to flirt of being normal. I replied with 'oh and a serious smiley. 'How about coming over to my place?' he texted.

Why the hell will he ask for that, he only asks so when Wyatt is along but never asks me when am alone. I tried to find an excuse 'I have plans after classes' and when he replied, I was convinced he was going too much further. I send Wyatt a screenshot of all the messages, but he left on seen.

Once GP classes were over, I went for a ride and lunch. I used to have zoe accompanying me, but I guess I will have to make things to myself. After I had my treat, I headed back to the campus when I suddenly notice Wyatt's car. What is he doing here? I parked the car and headed rapidly to the class when I saw him and max fighting over and the crowd around them.

What the hell are they doing and why are they fighting?  Max pushed Wyatt, I hide so as I could cease them from acting like a freak. Then, I stand still when I notice both of them having a seat to talk. I moved behind the walls to hide so I could hear their conversations. I couldn't believe a word of what both were saying. I stand there blankly while thousands of overthinking pass through my mind. Fuck, I feel like my head's spinning. Tears were rolling down my cheeks when I notice Wyatt saw me. I turn my back and ran as fast as I headed to take my books to class.

I was heading away from the building when max stops me and says I guess you are happy to have put misunderstanding between me and my best friend' I give him a stare without saying a word to him and hop in the car to drive to my treasured whereabouts to which nobody except Zoe.

I get out of the car and knees myself down the beautiful lake, always calm and peaceful as I cried silently my heart out. I couldn't understand a single thing happening around me. I needed someone to share the pain which I have been holding on to for too long.

Somehow, I wanted this to stop I needed my cells to stop responding to the thought and my body to stop shaking. I feel like taking all my tears out when I felt few steps behind my back. I moved rapidly to posture when I see Wyatt on his knees. 'What...what are you doing here? How did you find me?' I said as I weep.

'You forgot to turn off your GPS maybe' he says ignoring my eyes.

'I can't even stay alone now? You are going to follow me every fucking place I go? I don't need you here. I could feel all my rage coming out.

'I'll follow you anywhere you go and I'll never leave your side no matter how bad you look with your makeup right now' he says teasingly moving closer to me.

I move my step behind as I ask him not to come closer. 'You are eventually like max, a flirt. I thought you were different when I saw you the first time. You cheated April and me who thought you loved her as much as giving her your soul. Shit, how stupid of me! I weep as my head spin again and I faint.


I woke up with a weak sight around four white walls with a lavender scent as I could feel weak and my right hand was connected to serum. I try to move to the side when I notice Wyatt sleeping next to me. I could feel myself melt and being taken care of. I stare at him while remembering all the scenario happened when instantly, he wakes up to see me already awake. 'hey, how are you feeling?' he says as he caresses my face. I close my eyes feeling his sensation on my skin. 'How long have I been laying down here?' I asked him.

'You've been lying here for 15 hours. Thank god, you are fine. The doctors took notes you are suffering from anemia and you strain yourself too much' Wyatt says while holding my hand.

'Oh, does my mother knows about me?' I ask. 'Yes, of course, she does. She was here one hour ago, she went to bring you something to eat when you will be awake. I told her I'll be staying here

He kisses my hand and bows his head down 'I'm sorry for everything you heard. My intention was not to hurt you and I assure you I never had those intentions ever since I know you, he gazes at me with tears in his eyes. I've fallen in love with you in unexpected circumstances and wish you to be my side, Sofia Mathew. I might not be the perfect one but I will love you as long as I can and give you the best as long as I can'.

I sigh as I move my body slightly from the bed so as he could lay next to me. He cuddles me as if I was his toddler. I look at him as I play with his hair. 'If one day, we are meant to be apart. I'll understand it's fate, but I'll try my best to be with you and fight everything' I say as I hug him harder and my tears rolled down my cheeks. 'Are you okay he says as he wipes my tears. 'I love you' I say planting a deep kiss on his lips.

Why do I always have to face this, why am I the one who gleans to grieve this much even though I found the one I love, why can't he stay even he love me for my beauty. Why does evil have to win over good... I probe to myself and burst out a cry in his arms. 'I won't be able to do anything without you, I won't be myself again, you taught me how to live, how to laugh again, how to cherish. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. 'Jus... just don't go... never' I squeeze my kinetic I have left on him. 'Shhhttt, I'm not going anywhere. Am right here' he kisses my forehead and holds my cold hand until I faint again.

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