Chapter 16

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Is it just me or has Midoriya been hitting different lately? Aizawa has been hitting harder than usual too.

When Charlie came to, Aizawa was carrying her through the parking lot. Her head rolled groggily only for Nemuri to prop it back up on Aizawa's shoulder again.

"Mr Aizawa?" She looked up at him, happy to see he was no longer crying blood. "Where are we going?"

"Kayama walked here today so I'm driving the two of you home."

"Schools over?"


"I was out all day?"

Aizawa raised an eyebrow down at her. "You don't remember anything?"

"Today's episode was worse than usual. Reminded me of how you were a couple years ago, actually. Are you stressed about the festival?"

Charlie rubbed at her eyes. "A little, but I think today was just an off day. I've been feeling a little rough the past couple days too. What happened?"

"I woke you up when I got back from my first period class. Initially you seemed to be feeling better but once you opened the staff room door you saw something down and hall and started hyperventilating so I had to put you to sleep again. Gave everyone a bit of a scare. Woke you up again after lunch but you asked me to put you back to sleep, so I did."

"Mr Aizawa, did I miss anything really important?"

"Not particularly, but your teachers did leave me some homework to give you. I can help you work through it if you'd like."

"I'd really appreciate that, Mr Aizawa."

Charlie hoped she wasn't too heavy but Aizawa wasn't showing any signs of strain as he lowered her straight into the backseat of his car. She whispered her thanks as he gently shut the door.

Nemuri got into the passenger seat and glanced back at Charlie. "Aizawa, are you free tonight?"

"Yeah, I am."

"Why don't you come over for dinner? You can help Charlie with her homework while I cook."

"You can cook?"

"Of course I can."

Aizawa shrugged as he pulled out of his parking spot. "Guess I'm down for instant ramen," earning him a punch on the shoulder. "Let's see how Charlotte feels once I get you two home."

"I'm going to cook something so delicious that you'll get down on one knee right there and then," Nemuri huffed.

Charlie spent the majority of the short car ride silently looking out the window. She examined her arms and her neck and felt nothing. All that was left of today's awful episode were a few visual hallucinations that she could easily ignore.

When they pulled into Nemuri's driveway Aizawa turned in his seat to look at Charlie. "How are you feeing, kid?"


"Now, as your homeroom teacher I feel that I should be aware of any pre-existing health problems that may interfere with your learning. I could have a look at your file but I'd much rather have you explain it to me yourself."

"Why don't we go inside and sit down first." Nemuri pushed on Aizawa's shoulder making him face her.

He nodded and got out of the car. He opened the backdoor before Charlie could and offered her his hand. "Do you need help?"

She took his hand getting out of the car but let go afterwards, "I'm alright, thanks."

Nemuri made the three of them some tea and they sat in the living room.

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