Chapter 24

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Aizawa is so hot.

Her match against Tokoyami went quickly––Charlie using her quirk twice for a second at a time and dragging her opponent out of the ring. Having time to rest between her matches made all the difference.

She returned to the spectator area and was bombarded by concerned questioning from her classmates.

Mina grabbed Charlie's cold hands and brought them to her chest, "Oh my gosh, Charlie, was that a backlash episode? It was so hard to watch."

"Backlash episode? Like backlash from your quirk? What were you looking at during your match with Todoroki?" Sero asked.

"Yeah, when I use my quirk too much I hallucinate," Charlie answered, choosing to ignore the second question. Thankfully, the finals match began quickly and everyone's attentions were shifted away from her.

Todoroki and her had exchanged numbers after finishing their ice cream and before parting ways. After she had finished her match against Tokoyami, Charlie had retrieved her phone from the change room and shot him a quick good luck text.

She pulled her phone her pocket and checked up on her message. Still left unread—Todoroki likely had left his phone in his locker like she had.

Now that she asked Todoroki to call her Charlie instead of Charlotte did that mean she should call him Shoto instead of Todoroki? Many people called her Charlie, but she didn't know of a single person in their class that called Todoroki by his first name. Maybe he was uncomfortable with it? Charlie frowned. She would have to ask him later.

Her attention snapped to the ring as an explosion rang through her ears.

Todoroki was obviously struggling against Bakugo's seemingly anger powered quirk. He was knocked backwards and barely caught himself with his ice. Charlie approached the railing and gripped it tightly––was he not planning on using his fire quirk? He had told her that he had a lot of things to think about in regards to whether he would use it or not but his hesitance to use his full power during this match was obviously pissing Bakugo off. With a raspy scream, Bakugo expressed his anger before charging again, catching Todoroki off guard once more.

The match was over quicker than Charlie had expected. Todoroki was knocked unconscious and a raging Bakugo had to be put to sleep by Nemuri's quirk. The battle left a bitter and unsatisfying taste in everyone's mouth.

There was a half hour break in between the final match and the award ceremony, in which Todoroki disappeared somewhere, leaving Charlie to wander the halls for a bit before joining Ojiro's company in the spectator stands. Their shoulders brushed as they quietly greeted each other.

Ears tinted red, Charlie finally spoke up, "Hey, Ojiro?"


"Want to hang out sometime this weekend?"

"Sure. I think I may need help with that English assignment that's due next week and then we can train in my backyard for a bit like last time."

"Oh! Right the English assignment, of course we could work on that. A-and train too," she stuttered. "But I was thinking that maybe we could catch a movie afterwards or something? I saw the trailer for one that looks pretty cool a couple days ago."

Ojiro finally turned to look at Charlie. She avoided his gaze as he examined her face for a few short moments, "sure."

The opening ceremony was nearly just as nerve racking as her one on one matches had been. As she stepped onto the podium she did a circle, looking at all the people who had come to see them compete. She could see the pros sitting in the front row, most with notepads and thoughtful expressions, and the excited civilians taking up the rest of the seats.

She glanced over at Bakugo. He struggled at his restraints, set on continuing his fight with Todoroki, who stood beside him with a contemplative expression sitting comfortably on this face. The aforementioned, seemingly sensing Charlie's gaze shift to him, shot her a strained smile that she returned.

The roars of the audience were nearly deafening (and very overwhelming) as All Might made his grand appearance. Charlie forced herself to keep her breath steady as the rush of adrenaline and anxiety hit her.

He approached her, a gleaming bronze metal in his hands. "Young Charlotte Wright, congratulations on placing third! It is quite the accomplishment."

Charlie flashed him a grin, "Thank you."

"You are both blessed and cursed with your quirk. It seems that endurance is your downfall, perhaps some more authentic experience and training will help you overcome this obstacle and lessen your fear of your own power."

He left her to mull over his words.

The next day, Charlie struggled to force herself out of bed and to school. Despite completely skipping out on working out or any studying and going to bed early, the sleep from the night before was far from enough to wash away the tiredness in her bones.

When she stumbled through her classroom's doorframe, Todoroki was already sitting at his desk.

"Hey can I call you Shoto?"

That seemed to catch him off guard as he paused for a moment before nodding. "Yeah, you can."

She sat down beside him, settling into their usually comfortable silence that somehow felt warmer than usual.

"How did your dad react?" She asked, lowly.


When he made no indiction of elaborating, Charlie spoke up. "I know I already said this but you can shoot me a text if you ever need to talk and come over whenever you want."

Todoroki nodded but didn't respond otherwise.

The rest of their classmates slowly piled in, all looking exhausted. Midoriya's arms were all wrapped up and Bakugo looked nearly as livid at Todoroki as he had yesterday. Iida was missing.

"Alright class, this will be quick. Good job with the sports festival yesterday," Aizawa complimented in a monotonous voice. "We're still sorting through all the internship offers and you all look like shit, so the headmaster decided to give you the next two days off to recuperate."

"Oh thank god," Charlie sighed, her relief matching nearly everyone else's. She didn't notice the small frown that creased Todoroki's face.

After explaining a few more details on the internships, Aizawa dismissed the class and left. Charlie also quickly grabbed her bag and left, shooting a nod Todoroki's way and a shy wave to Ojiro.

Charles: can i stay over tonight and tomorrow night?

Nemuri: yea

Charlie passed out on the couch as soon as she got to Nemuri's house. She woke later in the day, went for a run, and then prepared dinner for Nemuri.

"Charlie?" Nemuri called though the house as she locked the door behind her.

"In the kitchen," Charlie responded, "you're right in time! Dinners nearly ready. Can you set the table?"

Nemuri dropped her keys and purse on the counter along with a grocery bag with a large tub of ice cream in it. "Sure. Movie night tonight?"

Charlie nodded, distracted by a buzz from her phone. She flipped it over to find a text from Todoroki reading "can I stay over tonight?"

"Can Todoroki sleep over tonight?'

"Todoroki? What happened with Ojiro?"

"I––what? What does Ojiro have to do with this?"

"Listen Charles, I am all for sexual freedom and all that but I do think you should wait until you're older. Not until marriage obviously but you're still a bit young."

"Nemuri, what?"

"Yes, he can stay over."

Charlie gaped at the older woman for a few moments before suddenly shutting her mouth and turning away, deciding not to continue the conversation.

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