Life in Newyork

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Chapter two:

As we unpacked the last box both heaved a sigh of relief .Two things I never imagined one on how tiring moving could be two I had no idea we owned so much crap. We both plunged into the soft couch rewarding ourselves from all that hard work .My moment of joy was rudely awoken my to reality by my dearest mom.’Get up you lazy bum we still have to complete our ‘to do list’ .I quickly took a warm shower that relaxed my muscles .Before we left we looked at house  and smiled at each other with pure satisfaction .The house was a terrace. It used to be my Grandmother’s before she passed away and wrote the house to my Mother’s name .My grandmother and I shared the common dark secret which left with her when she died.

We drove to the school where my neighbor Mrs. Clara Jones had recommended me too. Which I till today am grateful for; she was like a shoulder to cry for my Mother .It was hard for My Mother to leave the first friend she had when she moved .I thought as looked outside of the car as My mother drove to the school for registration. I took an online test for the registration and scored well enough to enter the school. Oh joy. After all the all the formalities, we were off to indulge ourselves and go shopping . As soon as we reached town to start our little shopping adventure, my mom's boss called her to come to work urgently. My stomach started growling the moving sure got me starving. I gazed upon a diner in the distance. My mom called my name three times before I  realized that my mom was talking to me .She looked at where I had locked my glance at to understand that I was looking at that Diner. She suggested that I eat at the diner while she went to work and she would pick me up after she was done and assured me she rather grab something to eat knowing that her skipping her  meals habit. My hungry stomach could not bear the thought of not eating in a few seconds .I walked over to the diner .The sweet smell of food filled my nostrils as entered the diner .I sat at the empty seat that I felt lucky enough to get that as the place was packed like a tin of sardines .I ordered chicken steak with cheese fries with a chocolate milkshake from the friendly waiter.

Before I could dig in like I had I had deprived of food for years ,a blonde teenager with green and pink highlights wearing big black nerd glasses approached me.

‘Can I seat here?" She asked, smiling. " There are no other seats." She said I gestured my hand towards the table and told her she could sit there. There was a long akward silence between us till she broke the silence by starting a conversation. Soon I felt  comfortable talking to her.Her name was Bay .She was working at the diner for extra cash. Soon her lunch break was over .She declared she was full after eating half a bowl of salad. I thought how could she be full with salad .I would stay full with salad for a full second. Before she left we exchanged numbers.

Not long my Mother came and we went shopping .It was one tiring trip .I planted myself on the couch as soon as we reached home. I later on dragged myself to bed with the little energy I had left. I drifted off to a deep sleep instantly .

I was rudely awoken by my alarm. Every morning the gravity around my bed always seemed ten times stronger. Schools always say how important sleep was then why did school start so early that proves my point on what liars they were. After hitting the snooze botton for about a million times I got up and started getting ready .I wore my black  leather jacket with my favourite  Guns and  roses shirt  with my skinny jeans .I added  some accessories and my maroon coloured billabong bag.I had light makeup and let hair down.

I quickly ran down to the smell the aroma of the bacon,eggs and pancakes and hear the ear piercing scream of my Mother that I was getting late.Normaly I would drive to school on my     motocycle that I bought with the money I earned over the summer.It was going to be shipped tomorrow that means I had my Mother would  drive me school just great.I guess some things never change like how every morning was like a marathon. I  ran down gobbled down my meal and ran with my Mother to the car. This was car ride I did not want to end.

Screw butterflies a whole zoo erupted in my stomach I was nervous my palms started to sweat .Sensing the tension in the car when we reached the school my Mother broke the akward silence by asking me ‘ Do you want me to walk you to school ?’ I quickly denied the offer leaving a frown on her face . I thought sacartiscly “sure I'd love to let you to walk me to the school and give me  a big kiss on the cheek. Talk about social sucide’ As I was about to leave the car my Mother grabbed my hand as I turned around to face her she told me to take off my nose piercing as to make a good impression.I gave a knowing look that I was not going to.I scowled at her and reminded her that she say anything about it.Then she told me in a stern tone that she would say anything when I was getting it but after that she was free to do so.I thought to myself I needed to be more careful with these “promises” .Her tone softened and told me that the offer was still open.I got open the door and walked to the school.I stoped one step before the school doors I guess this what torture looks like.

As soon as entered the schoo I was looked upon before everybody continued what they were  doing before I arrived .As I walked through the hall in search of the general office where I was supposed to get my timetable . I saw students hugging each other  like they have not seen each other in ages . At last I found it and walked .Upon realizing my existence the lady at the counter lifted  up her head from the computer she was engrossed in . The lady sad’You must be the new kid Sydney right? ‘I nodded .She passed me the timetable and told me there would be a guide showing me around.She started telling me the rules and the punishments if I did not abide them.I was just smiling and nodding pretending to pay attention to her blabbing away.

Soon I heard a chirpy voice greeting the lady at the counter Mrs Daisy. Mrs Daisy introduced me to a girl who was the senior her name is Alexandra .She was always the top student who was active in her after school activities.’Maybe you two can become good friends she scoffed as she said that.This just shows how judgemental people could be.She had a smile plastered on her face and started showing me places on the way to the school hall for assembly.She gave me a few tips she told me the bullies I should never mess with.The high headed that I was best not knowing.She told me about the teachers from her experience. We sat together for homeroom.Since we had the absolute different classes she told me she would  outside the class  for lunch.In class since I was new to the class the teacher wanted me to introduce myself .I stood up from the back where I preferred sitting.I went infront of the class .As I was speaking as usually  the teacher was asking me to speak which irritated me terribly but I kept that smile.As soon I was done thinking I could go back but no someone had to raise their hand that they could not hear him.I repeated  everything as loudly as I could without me to sound like I was shouting or maybe I was I just wanted this to get over with I hated it when all the attention was towards me unlike many who just loved the spotlight. After I ended they was  a loud applause which was surprising . Time drifted quickly it was lunch I was starving I saw Alexandra chirpy as ever waiting for we went to the cafeteria .Everyone was sited according to the social caste  how predicable they were the high headed jocks cheerleaders at one table .One were scientifically able known as the geeks. One  table was lets hate everything group known as the ‘Goth’s ’.One group was where Alexandra was heading the music group. She introduced me to everyone. We went to get our food. While we were walking back someone banged into me I turned around to see the jerk who made me repeated in class but I had to admit he was good looking he had dark chocolate hair with emerald   green eyes that I gazed into.He apologised  and I stutured as I spoke ‘Its ……okay’I mentally slaped myself how socially akward.He gave me a sweet smile and walked away.’Thanks for leaving me Alexandra I thought’.I met a few people there was Sabrina she was chirpy who was so positive.Sabrina was part of choir.There was Leandra who is in the cca guitar and does gymnastics outside school  she was sarcastically funny.There was Shane who was one of the top students he was in chess club.They were others who I still need time remembering I have horrible memeory.As we finished lunch we walked on our way out to the next class .I looked over at the the popular people table I sighed as I walked out of the canteen and whished how I wish that was me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2013 ⏰

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