inTOXICated part three

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"May I come in?"

His voice was like it had always been. His dark eyes staring into yours, waiting for an answer. His height made him tower over you, looking down at your shaking body.

Your mind flashed to the last time you saw him, his lips attached to the other girl's mouth. You thought of her for a moment, wondering what had happened. You wondered when it ended, or if it ended. But forced the idea out. He was here now, with you. That was all that matters. He came back to you, in the end.

You stepped aside, letting him in. You couldn't speak. Your brain was screaming at you to kick him out and never let him come back. But as you stared at him standing before you, you wanted to run into his arms and kiss him. To tell him how much you missed him and how badly you wanted him back. How happy you were that he was there.

Your chest was hurting, as you stared at him. You couldn't think straight. Your brain was telling you one thing and your heart another. You weren't sure which one to believe. One was trying to protect you and the other was trying to ruin you.

Jungkook stepped further into your room. His eyes staring into the darkness, avoiding you. Even in the darkness, you knew he didn't look like himself. He looked sick. As if something was eating him apart for the past two months. His cheeks were hollow and there wasn't much colour to his face. He looked worse than you did. You could see his eyes under the faint light from the window, they were glossed over, they looked lifeless.

You watched him carefully. You didn't know what to say but the silence was killing you. The silence brought on thoughts of what you had done earlier. You remembered Taehyung, at that moment. A shiver ran down your spine as you forced the thought out. Jungkook was here now, it was over. You got what you wanted- stop being so guilty.

"Look I-" You were finally able to speak but you were cut off before you could finish speaking. Jungkook's lips crashing into yours. It took you only a second before you were kissing him back. Remembering how much you missed his lips. How perfectly they fit into yours.

This was what you wanted. You wanted him again. And here he was. Wanting you the way you had been yearning for him for so long. You could feel your heartbreaking with each second the kiss went on for. Telling you that it wasn't right. That you shouldn't trust the kiss. And that hurt you. Because all you wanted was to give in to him and never let go.

You felt his hands wrap around you as if to keep you from falling, tightly gripping onto your frame to hold you close to him. You felt the warmth of his body radiate off his chest, it made you tingle inside. His lips consumed yours, effortlessly moulding into your skin. You felt like you couldn't breathe but you didn't want to.

You had forgotten about everything that happened before. Everything that led to this moment didn't matter. All that mattered was that he came back to you. That he still cared about you. You wanted him to never pull away, in fear that if he did all the memories of the past would sneak up on you.

You had lost all track of time, too consumed by the moment. But when his lips pulled away it felt too soon. That the kiss was meant to last longer. But even as his lips pulled away, his hands did not. Still holding you close to him, not letting you escape.

"I missed you so much," Jungkook whispered softly. It was only loud enough for you to hear.

You could feel the heat rushing to your cheeks as he spoke. You knew that you were his again. You fell right back into his trap but you were okay with that. You looked into his eyes, you could feel the innocence radiating off them. You knew that you looked like a child. But you didn't care. "I missed you."

Jungkook smiled, pleased with your answer. He slowly began to step backward, letting his hands trail from your back, down your arms before holding your hands. In one swift movement, he pulled you into him as he sat down on your bed. Your body met his as you cradled his waist, sitting over him. Jungkook's hands went to your ass, grabbing the skin as he pulled you closer.

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