The truth

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Hey guys, so this is the final chapter, hope you have enjoyed reading it!

Tony was serious about trying to find out what was going on between the two assassins.

He had been trying for months, but to no avail, they always managed to dodge his questions or give him an answer that only sprouted more questions. So tonight he was going to find out the truth.

Natasha awoke to find Clint's face staring down at her,

"Morning," he said quietly

"Morning" she greeted

"So what do you remember?"

It was like a routine they had got into, if one of them had a nightmare, the other would stay with them for the night. Then, in the morning they would question the other on the previous night, this way they could tell how bad it was. If they remembered clearly, it meant they weren't too far inside their head. If they remembered nothing, they had quite a bad one.

"Erm, not much" Natasha avoided CLint's eyes, her nightmares always tended to be worse, she had a lot of memories to live with.

"What do you remember?" Clint repeated the question, bringing Natasha's chin up so she met his eyes again.

"They took them", her reply was quiet but it filled the room

"Anything else?" Clint's tone was concerned but gentle

"No, just you talking and them taking them" she sighed as she said, "the other were there weren't they"

Clint just nodded his head slowly and spoke softly "There gonna want to know what happened Nat, they deserve to know."

"I know, but what if they think I'm weak?", her voice was even smaller then before, her eyes boring into his

"If they do, you have my personal permission to beat the crap out of them" he smirked at the end of the sentence, Natasha did the same.

"You ready?" she nodded and so they clambered out of bed and went to face the others.

The other avengers had already congregated in the kitchen, waiting for the arrival of the assassins.

"Remember Tony, we give her the option to tell us, she doesn't have to" Steve was eying Tony carefully, the man was practically bouncing in his seat.

"I know, I know, look here they come!"

Natasha and Clint walked into the room and sat on the couch that had been left empty in the middle of the room. Natasha was looking at Clint, her eyes filled with dread. Clint gave her a reassuring nod as the other avengers sat around them.

"Right, Natasha we want to ask you some questions about last night-" Tony began

"Which you do not have to answer" Steve cut in

"But it would be nice if you did"

"Tony, we talked about this"

"You guys have a right to know" Natasha's voice cut through their argument, "So go ahead, but only about last night" She stared at Tony with the sentence "I'll answer other questions another day"

Tony immediately came out with it "Why were you screaming last night?"

Natasha sighed, Clint's hand squeezed her shoulder reassuringly. "I have nightmares, about the Red Room. Most of the time I can control them, but sometimes they get really bad, like last night"

"Is that why you flinched at my touch?" Steves's voice was calm

Natasha nodded, "I don't mean to, but-"

"NO need to explain that," Steve said with a small smile.

"So what was last night's one about?" Tony came straight in with another tough question.

"Erm, that was different" Natasha looked down at her hands

"Well, do go on"

"Some people tried to take something from me that matters quite a lot to me"

"That's not an answer!" Tony cried.

"Tony..." Steve's voice was getting louder

"It's not!"

"Fine, Clint?"

Clint nodded his head and reached in behind his shirt. He brought out a gold chain, it had a small ring on it, a female ring. Natasha pulled a similar necklace out from her jumper, it had a male ring on.

The other avengers gasped and stared

"You two are, MARRIED!?" Tony cried

Natasha went a little pink as CLint pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"I knew it!"

"Shut up Tony, no you didn't. You just thought they were sleeping together."

"Same thing"

"No, it's not!"

All the avengers congratulated the pair, all the pieces clicking together from the past few months.

"So where did you get married?" Bruce asked, curiously

They looked at each other and answered


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2020 ⏰

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