The name is DK!!!🔥

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A lady on phone:

How many times should I repeat...

Please write it down at once...

Ok... Address is:

'Soudamini Tech Park and Habitat
Prisma Block
12th floor
Lavelle Road

And Sir please deliver the order on time...

Else due to your delay...I may loose my job...😢

The lady sounded in immense tension...

She was Charita Reddy...

Joined Kapoor Group of Industries and
'Gaya's Fashion House' 8 months ago and was already applying for job offers outside.

She knew she would have to either

Get an alternative job somewhere else


Learn to cope up with the stress levels being the assistant to Devil himself.

Yes ...Devil!!!

That's what his employees called him.

He was ....

A kind of obviously!



Maniac ...



Mad!!! Yeah... A mad man!

Just then she saw the clock.

8:58 am!

Holy Fuck...this man is late ...

I'm screwed!!!

Just then she heard the lift go down...

Oh no....Devil is back!!!

She quickly typed a message on skype and sent it to the office group.

The office group named
'Devils Army'

'Its here!!!'

A group chat which had almost entire office in it!!!

She prayed that the delivery boy reaches her by then...

Lift stopped.

So did her heart!!!

It was the delivery boy..

'Mam... Your order... sorry for the delay'

The lady was so happy that she payed him 2500 Rs instead of 2300 Rs ...

A total 200 Rs tip!!!

She breathed and quickly opened the packet.

Just then she saw lift go back down the 12 floors ...

It was 8:59 am now...

She was sure he is here....

Next minute she heard the sound of shoes...

That followed pin drop silence in the lift, corridor, lobby....


Wherever the shoes walked....

Silence followed!!!

The lady quickly moved her hands while mixing what she received from the order into the white mug!!!

Mixed it well with milk!!!

And took steps towards the last and the most lavish cabin on the floor...

She knocked the door

And flung it open while getting a response...

Trembling and nervous....

She said ..

'S. ..Sir ... coffee!!!'

A pair of deep black eyes ..

6 ft tall....

Well built masculine body....

Fair ..beardo....

Hair well gelled

Smiled at her....

Took the mug from her hands...

'Since how long are you working here Ms Reddy'

She replied... '8 months Sir'...

He smiled leaning back on his business chair...

'Im impressed... You remember that very well ... Then why don't you remember how important is punctuality and security both for me?

How the actual fuck did a delivery boy enter my office arena??? Am I bloody running a jogging park here?'

Now his eyes were shooting red bloody daggers at the young woman...

'Sssss ... Sir ...I.... I....'

'And.....How the heck did you serve my coffee late.... Have you seen the time?'

'S.....S....Sir.... I'm sorry'

' I thought you'll complete your work anniversary here Ms Reddy... But lucky you... You'll have enough tine to look for your next job.... Your next 3 months salary will hit your account!!!



He said softly...

'Bbbb But ...'

'I said leave;!!!' he roared...

Next second she was out of his cabin.

That's D.K for you...






His grandmother named him...

'Dev ....Dev Kapoor!'

But his employees called him...

'Devil Kapoor 😈'

Well what happened wasn't a big deal....

The woman was Dev's 8th PA in last 2 years....

Some left in a day...

Some left in an hour...

Some... tolerated his torture for months....and quit!!!


He thought Chandana would stay...

But guess no one wanted to be his secretary and he was happy to get rid of people!!!

Work had to be perfect or rejected!!!

In DK's case

There is nothing called
'Re-work' in his life!!!

It's either done or discarded!!!

That's D.K for you...

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