Confrontation...Confession... Realisation!!!🔥💔🌋

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Dev's POV:

I was in a state of deep shock!!!

I couldn't understand what just happened!

Rehaan was in Kapoor Villa!!!

He was the Director handling Hrishi's business in Dubai and UAE!!!

When did he come to India?

When did Daadi decide upon this?

Why is he ok to have an arranged marriage knowing he was a bigger Casanova than me!!!

Above all why is Daadi willing to get him married to Ishaani?

My eyes were a pool of tears!!!

I had an immense pain in my chest right now!

I turned my head towards everyone! All looked happy except Dhruv who came and patted my shoulders!!!

I was clenching my fist in anger!!!

Rehaan Kapoor in my house is the last thing I could tolerate!!!

Yes... Vihaan his elder brother had a good rapport with me! He was a good human being, not greedy and manipulative!!!

But Rehaan had got it all from his cunning just like his parents!

And he hated me to the core!!!

Trust me it was mutual!

I hated him more!!!

My eyes today we're only on Ishaani.

She was quiet???😡

Does that mean she approves off Rehaan???

Like really???

She'll marry this ??? This thing! 😠

I couldn't judge what was more painful today...

Having Rehaan Kapoor step in Kapoor Villa or seeing Ishaani not uttering a word against this proposal or my Daadi feeding sweets to Rehaan and Ishaani and congratulating them!!!

I couldn't take it...

'What the hell are you doing in my house Rehaan Kapoor! Get the fuck out!!!'  I yelled in front of everyone...

While Dhruv was pulling me back...

'Correction Mr Dev Kapoor! This is not 'your' house!!! This is my house!!!
Saudamini Kapoor is still alive!!!' Daadi said at once!

I was shocked...

'Daadi like really how could you?"

'What how could I? My best friend Veena wanted her granddaughter to be my daughter in law. While my one grandson whom I trusted the most broke Ishaani's heart and soul three years ago ..he doesn't even come in the list...Vihaan looks like loves his elder brother a little way too much so he denied but my Rehaan is Daadi's jaan. He agreed without a second thought!

So it's simple Rehaan is getting engaged to Ishaani next week and within a month they get married!!! Anyone has any issues any questions can leave this home! Saudamini Kapoor isn't answerable to anyone!!!'

I froze to death at Daadi's announcement!!!


Daadi announced and left from there

Family Crowd dispersed... Everyone went away...

Slowly I saw Rehaan sitting on the sofa keeping his leg upon other... infront of me and smiling!

Poles apart... Hate or Love? (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now