Different shades, Same Color

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Do you believe in predestination? Do you believe that there is a power somewhere which controls all our actions and that everything we will ever do has already been written? Maybe you don't, well neither did six women and a man until fate or maybe something else brought them together...

Estrella's POV
The war had left me with a sense of fear that always had me at alert to any move from anyone especially the opposite sex having watched my three sisters and parents raped and tortured to death respectively.
How I had made it alive and untouched is something I still can't fathom till date.

Maybe that was why I had noticed something off about Tobi when he had invited me out for coffee that night.

Being my only male friend I couldn't have declined but I had taken the Head Chef's knife along with me, what I didn't know was that I would be thrusting it in his chest an hour later in front of an abandoned gas station.

LouLou's POV
It wasn't my turn to patrol the abandoned gas station but the sheriff had told me it was either I did or turn in my badge.

The man was a real asshole who had been making life a living hell for me ever since I had refused to have sex with him in exchange for a promotion, according to him every female cop always did what he wanted and I wouldn't be an exception.

Nothing ever happens in the gas station so I couldn't have imagined that I would find a lifeless body right in front of it and also find myself pointing a gun at a frightened young lady.

Erica's POV
"Put your hands where I can see them! Raise them above your head!", I heard the cop bark as I crouched behind the boxes.


That couldn't be right. I was the one that had almost been sacrificed to the devil by my male friends in exchange for fame a few minutes ago I shouldn't be the one being arrested here.

"Drop the knife!".

Okay maybe I'm not the one being arrested after all, I thought to myself as I stepped out from behind the boxes I had been hiding.

"Who are you? Did you kill him together?", the cop asked as she pointed a gun at me.

"I just got here for heaven's sake, I heard you guys shouting that's why I stepped out to check what was happening",I screamed back at the cop.

"I didn't mean to kill him I was only defending myself ,he tried to rape me, I had to do it", the brunette with the knife suddenly blabbered on shakily.

Well...this is going to be a long night.

Laila's POV
"She's telling the truth ,I saw everything, he tried to rape her and as they were struggling he punched her in the face and she had to defend herself", I shouted from the old building I had been hiding in ,startling all three women.

I had stumbled on the abandoned building just three days ago when I had been running from my abusive father who had tried to sell me to a couple of women traffickers after years of molesting me and had decided it was a perfect hiding spot until tonight when I had heard some screams.

I had gotten to the front of the building just in time to see a brunette struggle with a man and eventually stab him, it had happened so fast and now I prayed I could help her somehow for I knew what it felt like to be helpless.

Antonietta's POV
"I'm getting a divorce ,this marriage is over!" ,I had screamed at my husband after beating up him and his bimbo of a secretary.
I had caught them both on my matrimonial bed having sex, I had driven off in my blue Porsche to let out some steam with no destination in mind.

I thought I had had enough drama for a day until I saw a cop screaming orders at a frightened young lady in front of the old gas station I had decided to park my car in.

"Do you have enough money to hire a good lawyer? I doubt it. Even if your claim is proven to be true by the court you would still get a ten year sentence at least and also get deported for not being in the country legally, which I know is the truth", I said to the brown-haired lady with the Mexican accent as I walked out of the shadows startling the women.

"I'm Barrister Toni. So officer ,what are we gonna do? He might have been the criminal here but she'll be the one to pay", I told the young cop matter-of-factly.

Magda's POV
"Just let her go" ,I–the woman who everyone knew as the town's bum– called out from the shadows.

"Four young men are on their way here right now ,they are after you Erica and you have one of their gloves ,we'll wipe Estrella's fingerprints off the knife and drop the glove near the body.
Call for back up LouLou, you'll need it. Antonietta will take Laila, Estrella and Erica to her house ,nobody is there and she needs the company while I will stay back with you to testify and make sure you get that promotion and no one else will ever find out what truly happened tonight",I gave my orders to five befuddled women whose lives would no longer remain the same after that night.

"Hurry up", I screamed and immediately jolted them back to their senses.

As the ladies moved swiftly I stared at the lifeless body on the ground.
"Leave the brunette alone ,don't do it", I  had warned him this morning but like everyone else he had called me crazy.

My husband had also called me crazy and accused me of witchcraft before taking my daughter and throwing me out, I had developed a mental disorder after that.

I am not a witch I can only see things that others can't see like how my daughter Laila would finally be safe and happy with Antonietta.

Tobi's POV
Seven seconds before my soul left my body I saw my entire life play out before me.

From when my father had left us to when my mom had struggled to take care of I and my three brothers to when I had met Ben who had made me join the gang.
I had left home after that leaving mom to misery just like my father had.

I also saw the night I had gone for the festival and met a gypsy who had read my palm and told me that I would be rich and live long.

I saw the day Estrella began working in the kitchen ,I had liked her immediately but she had been so guarded, it had taken me a couple of months to even be her friend.

The gang had told me four months ago that I needed to have sex with a virgin to complete my initiation, I had thought of Estrella immediately but I knew she wouldn't let me so I had decided to take her virginity by force.

What I hadn't thought of was that she would bring the head chef's knife along.

So did the gypsy lie to me?
I don't think she did, I should have known instead that whenever one looks into the future it changes...

                     Thanks for reading!!! Do comment, add to your reading lists       And definitely tap that star, honey     😊, you know you want to 😏

So I decided to make this book into a collection of stories(One shots) instead of just a single story. It will contain different genres that I hope you'll love.
The next update is a sad story so try not to cry and take note of the dates❤
Update schedule??? Every week, I hope.

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