Box of Fame.

17 6 2

*laughs nervously* 😅
Hey guys, I'm so sorry, I know I promised to upload stories every week but things have just been crazy and I've been so busy, I'm gonna try to be more consistent henceforth. I love you guys😍


I always liked her.

Nope ,I always liked her face, it was beautiful to behold, not a single pimple in sight ,a sleek jawline ,high cheekbones and silky smooth skin ,she definitely deserved a place in my box of fame.

'Karen, this is the third fire in two months".
Mom suddenly jolted me out of my thoughts while pointing at an article on the front page of our local newspaper. "You need to be careful these days, something about these fires doesn't sit well with me".

'Don't worry mom ,I'm always careful, always', I replied.

I don't think I've ever heard anyone scream louder.
Helena's face might have given me fantasies but her screams irritated me.

"Shut up!! No one can hear you anyway".

Helena mustn't have heard me because she kept screaming even louder as I stuck the knife into the side of her face and dragged it slowly down her jaw ,her crimson blood spilled out almost staining my dress, her screams were distracting me so I pulled the knife out of her face and dug it into her right eye.
I felt her body shake violently before she let out a soul-wrenching scream, I rolled my eyes and pulled the knife out ,a water-like fluid spilled from the gouged out eye followed by blood, I went back to working on my master piece I had to be careful in cutting out her face because I didn't want to ruin it.

'Ah ah, finally'.
I breathed out my relief whilst holding up my latest trophy to the light ,a flabby chunk of human flesh. I opened my box of fame which had three more beautiful faces in it wrapped in ice ,their previous owners had been just as pretty as Helena which was what had attracted me to them ,I just had to have their faces just like Helena's.
I looked back at a now faceless and hideous looking Helena who was struggling to stay conscious while writhing with pain.

'You think you can get a way with this? You think no one will find out that you're insane?',she whispered.

I smirked as I grabbed my can of gasoline and a box of matches.

'Don't worry Helena ,I'm always careful...always".

A/N :So what do ya think? This is kinda like a horror-themed short story and it could do really well as a novel. I might just make it into a complete story, I don't know, just putting it out in the universe.

Till next time, bye bye❤

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2020 ⏰

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