Under My Umbrella - Benedict Cumberbatch x Reader One Shot

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Normally, the thought of persistent rain would have made your day of working outside a dreaded affair, but today, it actually made your head swim with possibilities. As you held the umbrella above your head, you wondered how long you'd have to wait for Mr Cumberbatch to make an appearance. Lately, things between you had grown more and more comfortable and, on your side at least, more and more flirty.

You wondered where he could be, because filming of the new Sherlock was supposed to have started already... Every silver car that passed, you stepped forward to check the number plate. Still no sign. You looked across the road to see that yet more Sherlock fans were gathered to catch a glimpse of the stars. You sighed and checked your watch.

“Hey,” another umbrella-holding staff member greeted you, making you jump, but laugh as you rejoined the real world. “You're being too obvious.”

“What do you mean?” you stuttered.

“It's obvious you're waiting for someone... those guys over there have been watching your every move for about ten minutes,” she pointed across to some fans.

“Damn,” you muttered, “really?”

Before she had time to answer, the silver car you'd been searching for turned the corner and glided almost silently to a stop before you. Quickly your eyes darted over to the gathered crowd, and you smiled to yourself as you realised they were staying put. Scanning the windows of the car, you were glad to see that Benedict was grinning at you through the nearside back window.

“Mr Cumberbatch,” you grinned in response, opening his door and placing the umbrella over his head as he stepped out of the car.

“Good morning,” his head tilted in a swift nod of gratitude, as he pulled you into a side-hug. His crooked smile beamed down on you, and you momentarily forgot the world and it's endless rain. “Ready?”

“Yep,” you nodded, primed to walk swiftly from the car to the building, showing as little to the fans as possible.

“Come on then,” he squeezed your body against his quickly before releasing you and walking by your side towards the door. “Ladies first,” ever the gentleman.

“No, no,” you insisted, “stars first.”

He chuckled lowly, and obliged; it was your job to keep him safe and dry, after all. You followed him in, and shook the umbrella out of the door to get the majority of the droplets to fly off. Once again you smiled at the fans as they stood, wide-eyed and starstruck on the other side of the road. You loved Sherlockians... especially being one yourself.

Spinning on your heel, you faced Benedict. The twinkle in his eye told you that he was glad to be back on set.

“Are you ready?” you asked, helping him remove his coat.

“Always,” his deep voice already seemed more Sherlock than Benedict. He gave you a swift wink, and you realised you'd been staring at him. “Will you be here all day?”

“Of course,” you nodded.

“Good,” his eyes sparkled between blue and green as he wandered off towards the set.


After several hours of running for the team, you sat just inside the doorway, waiting for Benedict to finish. He'd been outstanding, as always, and as he'd stood around set waiting for make-up touches, set changes, lighting and whatever else, he'd been stealing fleeting glances from you all day. A flash of Benedict crept through his emotionless Sherlock facade every time your eyes met. And there it was again, that look of gentle caring and genuine happiness to see you.

“Still here?” he asked, after his long day back on the job.

“I said I would be,” you smiled, grabbing the umbrella from the corner.

“I'm glad.”

You looked at him quizzically and he just shrugged mischievously, pulling a coat on over his costume. You were about to head out with him when he took your hand, and made you turn to face him, “Hey, how about you come with me?”

“What do you mean?” a nervous giggle threatened to explode out, but you kept it together.

“I mean, when we get to the car, you put the umbrella down and get in with me?”

You wondered what he really meant by this request, but slowly nodded, “Of course!”

A moment of relief crossed his face, and only then did you realise he'd been looking a little nervous too. His hand remained in yours as he looked into your eyes for a little too long. He licked his lips, then ran his other hand through his hair. You smiled reassuringly, “Are you okay?”

“Yeah,” he answered distractedly, glancing down, scanning your whole face, eyes lingering on your lips. “We should go,” he smiled weakly.

You hoped that this was the day you'd been dreaming of, and the feeling of his warm hand pressed into yours gave you shivers at the thought. Unfortunately, you had to let him go, so you could open the umbrella. The rain had worsened during the shoot, and you felt Benedict press up against you as you leaned out of the door to have a look. “Ugh,” he groaned, resting his chin on your shoulder.

“Ready?” you laughed.

“As I'll ever be.”

He placed his arm around your waist, ducked under the umbrella and you made your way towards the awaiting car. Halfway there, however, Benedict stopped. His eyes were full of fire as he obviously had a mischievous idea. He pulled you away from the main entrance a little, and into a corner. Taking and tilting the umbrella so that you were both covered from the rain, and sheltered from onlookers, Benedict searched your face for a moment. With a look of confusion and wonder, you searched him for an answer. Your hunt ended seconds later as he slowly moved in to place his lips gently over yours. Sure that someone would see, you froze for a moment before deciding that you didn't care, as long as Benedict didn't. Now that both of your hands were free, because he held the umbrella, you ran one hand through his beautiful, Sherlock hair, and the other cupped around his neck. You could feel his smile against your lips as he applied more pressure before pulling away. He rested his forehead on yours, whispering, “Still want to come with me?”

“Definitely,” you replied with a grin.

As the two of you walked back to the car, you tried to hold in a scream of happiness. Never had a first kiss been so thrilling, and you thanked god for that umbrella.

Benedict Cumberbatch x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now