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I held Taemin close to me
He plays with my button up as he sucks his thumb

I look up

There stood the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes onShe was staring into the pond in her own little world

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There stood the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes on
She was staring into the pond in her own little world

"Quinn..I need to ask you something"I say
She snaps out of her thoughts and looks me in my eyes

I felt the heat rise in my cheeks
I wasn't easily flustered or a nervous person but her beautiful eyes made me feel things I wasn't use to

"What is it Dion?"

I took a deep breath
It was now or never

"Be mine" I say bluntly
Her face flashes different emotions

First confusing
Then shock
Then worry
Finally a smile spreads across her face

"Of course I'll be yours Dion"

I let out the nervous breath I had been holding in along with a soft chuckle

I pull her close and kiss her deeply
Her lips were addictive
I craved them 24/7

She tasted like strawberry lip gloss and smelled like heaven

It gave me a euphoric feeling

We pull apart
She kisses Taemin head

Taemin begins to cry and fuss

"I think we better get going..someone needs a nap"


I sat on the couch of Quinn's living room
I look around
I haven't got to look around her home yet
The farthest I got was the door

I stood up and began walking around
The apartment was tight but you could tell she put a lot of heart into it

I stood up and began walking around The apartment was tight but you could tell she put a lot of heart into it

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Nothing stood out really until I made my way into Taemins Nursery
It was more..how can I put this nicely
It was more..luxurious than the rest of the apartment

I picked up a stuffed animal that sat in a box
It had a $3,000 dollar price tag

I couldn't help but wonder..who bought all of this
Not that it matter

I sat in the living room and waited

Quinn soon joined me on the couch
She snuggled up against me

(Cringe semi smut ahead)

I was beginning to doze off
Quinn straddles my lap
My eyes flutter open

"Yes Love?" I mutter
She rolls her hips, Grinding against me slowly

I let out a low groan
"What are you doing"

She doesn't reply and just kisses me deeply

We make out deeply for awhile before I decide to move us forward
I left her up gently and make my way quietly to her bedroom

Once we hit the bed..
Things got hot and heavy

My shirt went..then hers
Soon we are just down to our underwear

I nibble and kiss at her neck
Her noises drove me crazy

I couldn't help myself any longer
I needed her

I lay her down
We lock eyes as I slowly begin to kiss down her body
She squeals as I playfully bite her inner thigh

Her hands find their way into my hair


We laid next to each other, out of breath and sweaty

I roll over and face Quinn
She was beginning to fall asleep
Her bottom lip red and slightly swollen from biting trying to contain her moans
Her slightly curly hair stuck to her face
Hickeys littered her body

She was mine
I was hers

I closed my eyes beginning to fall asleep
But was soon interrupted by a crying Taemin
Quinn began to stir

I quickly but quietly climb out of bed..I slide my boxers back on
I quickly wash my hands and rinse my face before making my way inside Taemins Nursery
I pick up the sobbing toddler and hold him close

I carry him into the living room and sit him in a play pen
He begins to cry but I knew he was hungry so I quickly fixed him something
I sat him on my lap
His cries turn to sniffles
I changed his butt before turning on cartoons and feeding him.

I could get use to this...

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