Chapter 3

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After y'all all got dressed and ready y'all all got in the car.

This what the car look like

Y'all finally got to school a 30 minutes late

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Y'all finally got to school a 30 minutes late. You cherry kanan and gatlin has first period together.



Y/n- cuz ain't no body give a fuck bout this class

Cherry- to be honest why we come to this class

Gatlin- we should have jus skipped it

Kanan- right

T- that's it y'all all got detention

Y/n- bitch I don't give a fuck

Gatlin- if you don't shut yo bald headed rat lookin troll lookin head ass up damn

The whole class started laughing

And with that y'all walked out of class. Y'all also seen the rest of the gang walking out the they classes

Y/n- y'all tryin to go to the mall until we got to go to detention

The rest of the gang- let's do it

Y'all get in the car and drive to the mall. When y'all got there you all got a text from your boss from the group chat your in with him.

ATL Devils

Boss man🤕- yo when y'all come tonight have sum party/ comfortable clothes on I got a job for y'all

Y'all all texted him back ok

You and cherry went to find sum wile the boys did too.

About 2- 3 hours later y'all all met up in the food court

Y/n- it's already 3:30 let's jus skip detention

Everybody except you- Ight

Y/n- so y'all ready to go

Cherry- yes ma'am

Bobby- yea let's go tattoos that's his nick name for you cuz you got a lot of tattoos

Y/n- I jus had a thought why don't we all get the same tattoos

Everybody except you- I'm down

So y'all went to the tattoo shop

Y/N- let's get ATL Devils on our arm

Everybody except you- YESS

So you guys got your tattoos and went home to get ready.

At home

You and cherry went to you and her room to get dressed

This is what you wore

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