Party shooters pt3

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Dejuane POV.

After the girls didn't show up we started walking back to the beach to see if they were ok then all of a sudden me and the boys bear 3 gun shots and every body starts running

Dejuane- the girls I shout

Kanan- bro they in the beach house he yelled

We all started running to the beach house. We finally get the door open and I see cherry on the ground holding Kehlani and I see the other gang

Kanan shoots two guys I shoot one guy that was holding the gun and gatlin shoots the rat and I run to Kehlani

Dejuane- WHAT HAPPENED I yell and lick Kehlani up

She blacks out and we all run to the car

Dejuane- SUM BODY FUCKInG CALL BOSS I say as I was crying a lil but not to much

Cherry-ok I will

After she calls boss we are driving as fast as we can to the trap house. I'm still trying to wake up Kehlani she was bleeding every where.

We finally get there and we run in and boss tells me to put her on the bed so the doctor can do his thang

Kehlani POV

I wake up with cords attached to me and I'm in a room

Y/n- were am I

Dejuane- YOUR UP SHES Up YALL he yells to the gang that was in the room

Cherry runs too you and hugs you

Y/n- where's the doctor I don't wanna be hooked up to these cords anymore

Kay- I'll go get him

He goes to get the doctor

Andre- bro I'm so glad your alive

Y/n- see the couldn't kill a real bitch

Y'all all laugh then Kay and the doctor walked in


D- how you feelin

Y/n- I'm straight can I go home now

D- well I have to take sum test and I have to give you medicine then you can go so let me do that now

Skip to when y'all got home by the way you were in a week chair so yea

Bro who finna help me take a shower cuz I got blood all over me

Every body it you looks at dejuane

Dejuane- why y'all lookin at me fo cherry you do it you a girl y'all got the same body parts

Cherry- I guess I'll do it but how we finna get you up the stars

Y/n- ion know we gone have to figure it out

Skip to 2weeks

Kehlani POV

Ok so it's dejuanes birthday today and every body gone wake him up and throw him a party all of our friends are coming here tonight

Every body but dejuane- HAPPPY BIRTHDAY DEJUANE

He jumps up witch makes me laugh

Dejuane- y'all scared the shut out of me but thanks

Y/n- ok so here is the plane for today justin and Andre are going to take you to the mall and anywhere you wanna go while the rest of us get your party ready for tonight every body is coming so make sure to get a good outfit

Dejuane- aww guys you don't have too

Kanan- oh we don't ok then

You smack him in the head

Y/n- dejuane we are doing this party cuz I already invited every body and they should be landing here in like and hour so we doing this party got it

Dejuane- thank you guys so much I love y'all

Y'all all did a group hug

Cherry- ok every body get ready and then y'all
Can go to the mall so we can get started

A/N so next chapter ima put the characters that are coming to the party so yea thanks for reading this chapter don't forget to vote and comment and if y'all have any ideas y'all think I should put in here feel free to comment that too byeeee

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